ALBUM REVIEW: Dan Miraldi – ‘Ulysses’

Throughout the past decade or so, New York’s Dan Miraldi has always looked to create a brighter and more illustrious sound than many of his peers. Looking to the retro sound of the 90s and rebranding it for a modern ear, his output of late has been an infectious run of releases that broaden and heighten his appeal at every turn. And after a flurry of highly-praised efforts under his belt recently, he now returns with his latest studio album ‘Ulysses’, a record that builds upon those dynamic endeavours of late.

Opening up with the LP’s title-track really gives a strong indication of where his heart lies right now. Exploding out with some killer guitar hooks and compelling songwriting from start to finish, ‘Ulysses’ looks to cement itself as one of his most passionate albums to date. Creating this wonderfully absorbing atmosphere that bounces off his heartfelt vocal performance throughout, he manages to deliver some truly awe-inspiring moments here, all looking to unleash something more engaging than the one before.

While plenty has already been said about his offerings over the years, ‘Ulysses’ feels like his most confident and assured release to date. Keeping the energy and vibes as high as possible throughout, Dan Miraldi has maintained his illuminating reputation with style and finesse here.