ALBUM REVIEW: Vogue Villains – ‘Built On Bones’

Over their glorious tenure to date, Canadian alt-rockers Vogue Villains have been one of the more enigmatic names doing the rounds. With a fondness for innovative aesthetics and bombastic riffs throughout their career to date, the band’s sound has earned them plenty of praise and acclaim for their electrifying releases over the years. And now they look to deliver more of those infectious anthems once again on their latest studio album ‘Built On Bones’.

Those paying attention to their recent output will be more than aware of their direction for this new record, but for those not in the know, ‘Built On Bones’ is a riveting and dynamic frenzy of killer grooves and explosive textures throughout. With a raw and driven presence, soaring atmosphere, and guitar licks that would even make Josh Homme nod approvingly, Vogue Villains’ latest outing continues that inventive appeal they have been honing over the years, creating some of their most engaging offerings yet.

The band’s tenacity for adventurous ideas has already been well documented, but ‘Built On Bones’ shows there is still plenty of adventurous spirit coursing through them. Brimming with these bold and energetic hooks across every single track, Vogue Villains have solidified themselves in 2024 with their most compelling LP to date.