Beach Weather offer up their woozy new single ‘Hardcore Romance’

Following the rapturous response to their much-loved comeback singles ‘Hottest Summer On Record’ and ‘High In Low Places’ earlier this year, US trio Beach Weather are back on the grind once again to deliver their woozy new single ‘Hardcore Romance’.

Lifted from their forthcoming new album ‘Melt’, which is set to land later this year, ‘Hardcore Romance’ continues that warm and inviting alt-rock aesthetic they have been earning a strong reputation for. With its sweeping textures and vibrant hooks layered throughout, we can’t wait to hear what else this new LP has in store for us as well.

Adding about the track, guitarist Sean Silverman shares, “[The song explores what] modern romance would look like to us, now at the point we’re at in our lives. Hardcore Romance was the first demo that Nick & I got to make in person. Right away it felt like we had tapped into something we’d never fully done before which was exciting but also came with a lot of self doubt. It’s even there in the opening lyrics of the song “I don’t wanna come back down to earth, I don’t really feel like myself”. I think whenever we get to that place where something feels challenging sonically/emotionally, it’s a good thing. The best we can do is try to not run away from that feeling and confront it.”