Bring Me the Horizon Songs Ranked
Bring Me the Horizon (often abbreviated as BMTH) are a British rock band formed in Sheffield in 2004. The group consists of lead vocalist Oliver Sykes, guitarist Lee Malia, bassist Matt Kean, drummer Matt Nicholls, and keyboardist Jordan Fish. They are signed to RCA Records globally and Columbia Records exclusively in the United States. The style of their early work, including their debut album, Count Your Blessings, has been described primarily as deathcore, but they started to adopt a more eclectic style of metalcore on later albums. Furthermore, That’s the Spirit marked a shift in their sound to less aggressive rock music styles. Amo saw a shift into different genres, such as electronica, pop, and hip hop. Here are all of Bring Me the Horizon song ranked.
Don’t miss out on the LEGENDARY Bring Me the Horizon music below! Click to experience the charisma of Bring Me the Horizon!
20. Suicide Season (Suicide Season, 2008)
“I love this song I would recommend this to any of my friends and any person who loves metal punk rock and hardcore it’s just an amazing song it’s about one of the bands close friend who killed himself and the band wrote this song cause they wanted to tell that they wanted to bring him back. It’s just so good”
19. Alligator Blood (There Is a Hell Believe Me I’ve Seen It. There Is a Heaven Let’s Keep It a Secret., 2010)
“It’s awesome with a mix of awesome lyrics and great rhythm. I love it more every time I listen to it definitely the best song by bring me the horizon that I have heard yet”
18. Empire (Let Them Sing) (Sempiternal, 2013)
“I really like the Sempiternal-Album (the others are ok but for me they’re not that amazing). Empire is not that outstanding, but combines amazingly powerful guitar, drums, heavy screaming with calmer, beautiful parts. My personal Number 1”

17. Drown (Live At Wembley, 2015)
“I have no idea why this is so low on the list! I mean, yeah, it came out late 2014 and stuff, but that shouldn’t affect it’s rating! I love Drown SO MUCH. The lyrics are beautiful, Oli sounds amazing (as usual) and it’s catchy as hell. I also liked the little saxophone part that they added in, but it seems like other people didn’t like it as much as I did. It makes sense though, me being a saxophonist myself, but it’s still a really nice addition to the song. In my opinion, this is one of BMTH’s best songs.”
See more: Bring Me the Horizon Albums Ranked
16. Pray for Plagues (Pray for Plagues, 2006)
“The album Count Your Blessings is, in my opinion, their best work and I would argue that this is the best song bmth ever released. When someone looks up Deathcore, this song should be the first to appear. These guys used to be so heavy… I miss those days…”
15. Antivist (Sempiternal, 2013)
“This song is the best. It’s the reason why I started listening to this band! I listen to this song whenever I’m mad or lonely. Antivist rock my world!”

14. Go to Hell, for Heaven’s Sake (Sempiternal, 2013)
“It’s just really powerful and really tells a lot about being told to be quiet when all you want to do is talk even though no one cares. Really deep”
13. The Sadness Will Never End (Suicide Season, 2008)
“Amazing song. By far their greatest in terms of writing. Such a strong example of emotion in the vocals. This song is an early glimpse of what was to become their trademark sound.”
12. Happy Song (That’s the Spirit, 2015)
“Brilliant song, opened with this at reading 2015 really set the tone for the set, and that was the one of the best sets the festival had to offer!”

11. Don’t Go (There Is a Hell Believe Me I’ve Seen It. There Is a Heaven Let’s Keep It a Secret., 2010)
“I love this song a lot because it has very deep and powerful lyrics. It emphasized Oli’s vocals a lot more as well and shows people what a great vocalist he really is. The use of the other instruments were great too! Lights also added her beautiful voice in the song which gives the song a great combination of the different vocals perfectly fitted together in one song.”
10. Diamonds Aren’t Forever (Suicide Season, 2008)
“This song ROCKS! I love the lyrics, the strong beat when the main chorus plays, this song is just amazing! I believe that anyone looking for a strong upbeat hardcore metal song will just absolutely LOVE this song!”
9. Hospital for Souls (Sempiternal, 2013)
“This song saved me. The part of Oli speaking at the beginning was enough to have me hooked, and you can just hear the emotion and meaning during the “hold me close, don’t let go, watch me burn” part. This song will always be special to me and will always make me feel a little better. I love BMTH, and I think they always do a good job of showing how things really feel in their lyrics, but this song is just something else.”

8. The House of Wolves (Sempiternal, 2013)
“Amazing song! Oli wrote this song after he finished rehab. He basically wrote about his feelings on God and how the people trying to help him wouldn’t stop shoving their beliefs down his throat. Seeing BMTH perform this live was one of the greatest moments of my life. The band and crowd went crazy and the projection screen behind the band showed huge wolves hunting in a snowy forest. It’s great lyrically and the drums and guitar riffs are hard-core and phenomenal.”
7. Crucify Me (There Is a Hell Believe Me I’ve Seen It. There Is a Heaven Let’s Keep It a Secret., 2010)
“This is the best song hands down. It has such beautiful and poetic lyrics that makes you think and feel the deep emotions in the song. Beautiful lyrics, beautiful composition, this is exactly the components of a perfect song. It is one of the most beautiful and deep songs I have ever heard in my life”
See more: Architects Albums Ranked
6. Blessed with a Curse (There Is a Hell Believe Me I’ve Seen It. There Is a Heaven Let’s Keep It a Secret., 2010)
“The most beautifully emotional song I have ever heard… Love the lyrics and love the way the end of Memorial fades into the beginning of this song. Absolutely amazing.”

5. Chelsea Smile (Suicide Season, 2008)
“The whole Suicide Season album is amazing but this song is definitely my favorite. I can play this all day and never get bored of it. The best part of this song is where everything gets quiet and then the epic bass drop happens. This isn’t in the music video but BMTH always does this live and makes everyone jump up from sitting position. It’s just simply the best song to rock out to.”
4. Can You Feel My Heart (Sempiternal, 2013)
“It’s simply the best song I’ve ever listened to it deserves to be number 2 on side of drown. It’s just one of those songs you instantly fall in love with and need more. It helps fill your head with a more amazing aspect. So you aren’t always just thinking music consumes at least half of my thoughts and this song makes half of that”
3. Sleepwalking (Sempiternal, 2013)
“No song can compare. A deep, emotional song interpreted different ways, but nonetheless amazing. I sense its either about depression or drugs. Whichever it may be, you can’t help but feel the music as oli sings with his beautifully raspy voice about feeling alone and dead inside. The lyrics are simply unreal in the sense that they speak to you even without a voice to carry them. I, for one, experience a feeling of understanding when I listen to this song. Trying to find a better description of depression is like trying to beat it all alone. Just listen.”

2. Shadow Moses (Sempiternal, 2013)
“This album marks a much better turning point for the band, instead of mindless screeching and bashing the top 3 guitar strings to hell, this album brought in much more melodical work among vocals and guitar alike with Bring Me as well as none of this ‘wanting to die’ emo garbage anymore, this time he implements his own problems and problems in the current world and economy, far better than their past work, best album they have done to date.”
1. It Never Ends (There Is a Hell Believe Me I’ve Seen It. There Is a Heaven Let’s Keep It a Secret., 2010)
“The meaning of this song is so deep and sad, violins at the beginning set the scene of the song and you can feel and hear the pain in Oli’s voice. The use of a female vocalist also brings the song to a different aspect. It’s an excellent song of crescendoing screams, guitar riffs and drums. Definitely one of their best songs”