Camel Songs Ranked
Camel is an English progressive rock band formed in Guildford, Surrey, in 1971. Led by founder-member guitarist Andrew Latimer, they have produced fourteen original studio albums and fourteen singles, plus numerous live albums and DVDs. Predominantly instrumental, with melody paramount, Camel’s music combines elements from rock, pop, jazz, blues, folk, classical, and electronica. Without achieving mass popularity, the band gained a cult following over the years with albums such as Mirage, The Snow Goose, and Moonmadness. Surviving punk rock, they moved into a jazzier, more commercial direction, but then were put on a seven-year hiatus in the mid-1980s. Since 1991 the band has been independent, releasing albums including Dust and Dreams, Harbour of Tears, and Rajaz on their own label. Despite no new studio release since 2002, the band continues to tour. Their music has influenced several subsequent artists, including Marillion and Opeth. The music journalist Mark Blake described Camel as “the great unsung heroes of 70s prog rock”. Here are all of Camel songs ranked.
Don’t miss out the music of Camel! Click below to experience the power of progressive rock!
20. Another Night (Moonmadness, 1976)
“This song definitely has an energy I love, and it really captures the essence of what this band can really do. This song is so smooth and strong. It got me interested in their music and the lyrics resonate with me.”
19. Slow Yourself Down (Camel, 1973)
“My favorite song of all time. This song brings up so many memories, I get goosebumps every time I listen to it. It’s the only song I can keep on repeat all day/all night and never get bored of it.”
18. Supertwister (Mirage, 1974)
“Absolutely beautiful lyrics, extremely melodious tune put together with great vocals make this song an absolute classic! I think it’s easily their best song”

17. Tell Me (Mirage, 1974)
“I can listen to this song a thousand time and not get tired of it, it a beautiful combination of rock and progressive rock certainly is their best”
See more: Camel Albums Ranked
16. Mystic Queen (Camel, 1973)
“Brilliant, beautiful song— interesting dynamics; builds to that great climax. All built on a simple, 4 note bass line. Genius.”
15. Rajaz (Rajaz, 1999)
“I have had this song in repeat for many a days and I have never gotten tired of hearing it. Just love this masterpiece”

14. Rhayader Goes to Town (The Snow Goose, 1975)
“Learning this song on guitar helped me to realize how phenomenal this song is, truly breathtaking. Took me some time to like it and now I just can’t live without this song… I hear it almost everyday.. My favorite song of all time”
13. Never Let Go (Never Let Go, 1972)
“Absolute classic track. The guitar playing on this is out of this world. Awesome song with really influential lyrics! This is perhaps the best song I’ve ever heard.”
12. Earthrise (Mirage, 1974)
“Timeless, haunting and powerful, this song climaxes in such a beautiful way few songs can do. Full of everything. Moving vocals and great instrument work.”

11. Song Within a Song (Moonmadness, 1976)
“Just give it a few listens and it will make it’s way to your top Camel songs list. The ending is incredible, such an amazing collaboration between the drums and the synth. Perfection. Out of this world, best song ever made”
10. Nimrodel – The Procession – The White Rider (Mirage, 1974)
“Makes me feel like a roman soldier coming back from war. The keyboard solo is just so insane with the drums, and the last part such a nice conclusion. The “echo” from the notes makes it feel like the song is played in an aquarium or under water”
9. Watching the Bobbins (Watching the Bobbins, 1996)
“I can’t stop playing it again and again. This song is simple and yet so magical! One of the best romantic songs ever written”

8. Beached (Nude, 1981)
“Best song for me, I really can lose myself with this song as a kind of meditation It’s just the best song ever! Loved it when a friend’s chapter finishes with it.”
7. Dunkirk (The Snow Goose, 1975)
“The best song I’ve ever experienced in my life. Always leave me with so many chills and emotions. One of the best songs were ever written. Very emotional reminds me every time.
See more: Jerry Garcia Albums Ranked
6. Stationary Traveller (Stationary Traveller, 1984)
“Thing song brings me to tears and sends chills up my spine. It’s heart-achingly beautiful. Such a great song that is timeless, meaningful, beautiful, and both sad and uplifting at the same time.”

5. Air Born (Moonmadness, 1976)
“The flute riff is something unbelievable. Everyone can relate to this song, I think. And I will keep listening this beautiful song, because I still haven’t found what I’m looking for.”
4. Arubaluba (Camel, 1973)
“Ultimate song for me at least! Awesome music, excellent vocals! Can listen to this song over and over again! They should have more great songs like this one”
3. Lunar Sea (Lunar Sea, 2001)
“t’s such and simple, moving, effortless love ballad with sweeping orchestral arrangements that make you want to not only sing along with move your hole body to the wave of emotion coming at you. Powerful song.”

2. Ice (I Can See Your House from Here, 1979)
“The version from Never Let go is killer. It is such an emotional piece with such a beautiful guitar solo. Not enough words to tell this song… Best camel song in my opinion.”
1. Lady Fantasy (Mirage, 1974)
“This song has the best rhythm, the best guitar, the best lyrics and all the best of Camel. It represents Camel. A great part of the persons who listen Camel started listening them with this song. I am one of them. I love this song, and I hope all the persons that are reading this list to hear it.”