Don’t Come Monday return with their swaggering new single ‘A Man’s Man’

After originally breaking through with their much-loved debut EP ‘Hands Of Time’ in 2020, Australia’s Don’t Come Monday have quickly established themselves as one of the more enjoyable names emerging south of the equator. Coupling fun and lively grooves with a distinctive rustic appeal, they continued their vibrant legacy with their highly-praised 2022 comeback single ‘Hangman’. And after a few years to figure of their next move, they are back once again to deliver their swaggering new offering ‘A Man’s Man’.

Taking their cues from the Southern Fried country-rock stylings of ZZ Top, ‘A Man’s Man’ makes for an incredibly warm and riveting return to form. Bringing back more of those bold and driven hooks they have become synonymous for, their newest outing sees them unveil one of their more impactful efforts to date. Brimming with these infectious riffs from beginning to end, they are certainly looking to get us up and out of our seats with this one.

While it has been quite a while since their last piece of new material, ‘A Man’s Man’ shows they are still brimming with plenty of fresh and exciting ideas in which to explore. With such a firm and focused grasp over their direction throughout, we can’t wait to hear what else they have been working on during their time away as well.

Photo Credit: Anne Ponsonby