Drowning Pool Songs Ranked
Drowning Pool is an American rock band formed in Dallas, Texas in 1996. The band was named after the 1975 film The Drowning Pool. Since its formation, the band has consisted of guitarist C.J. Pierce, bassist Stevie Benton, and drummer Mike Luce, as well as a revolving cast of vocalists, the latest being Jasen Moreno. After the release of their debut album, Sinner (2001), original vocalist Dave Williams was found dead on August 14, 2002, from heart disease. Jason Jones, who replaced Williams in 2003, recorded one album, Desensitized (2004), but left in 2005 due to musical differences. Ryan McCombs of Chicago-based band SOiL later replaced Jones and released two albums, Full Circle (2007) and Drowning Pool (2010), making it the first time Drowning Pool had not switched singers after just one album. However, McCombs left the band in 2011 to rejoin SOiL. Jasen Moreno was announced as McCombs’ replacement in 2012, and the band has since recorded two albums with him: Resilience (2013) and Hellelujah (2016). Here are all of Drowning Pool songs ranked.
Don’t miss out on the TIMELESS Drowning Pool albums below! Click and enjoy the evolution of their music.
20. One Finger and a Fist (Resilience, 2013)
“Just when I think I’ve finally heard the last good Drowning Pool song; they just keep finding ways to get me hooked. This one’s perfect for commuting through LA traffic!”
19. Pity (Sinner, 2001)
“Hey at least they are keeping the songs short. Its the same boring song as before. I had such high hopes for this one. I wanted to hate it so I could rip it an new arsehole. But its so meh! “Don’t you pity me” I won’t then.”
18. Forget (Desensitized, 2004)
“The songs are of good quality front to back without a real clunker in the bunch. I am always a fan of a song with a decent hook and Drowning Pool have decent hooks on this album.”

17. 37 Stitches (Full Circle, 2007)
“One of the few DP songs that really got my attention to be honest. Great chorus, great riffs, and it brings some good imagery to the head. Something that I think songs like Bodies lack.”
See more: Drowning Pool Albums Ranked
16. Feel Like I Do (Drowning Pool, 2010)
“In this, he knows he’s gone through a lot of stuff, and he knows everybody can relate as well, so he’s basically singing a credo to everyone that has been knocked down, and got back up.”
15. Hate (Desensitized, 2004)
“Their best song, of their best album. Sinner is a great album, but some of the songs kinda sound the same, on the other hand their second album brings a great alt. metal atmosphere.”

14. Killin’ Me (Desensitized, 2004)
“This song is about how life’s a bitch and how nothing seems to go right in your life and life is starting to take its toll on him.
13. Bringing Me Down (Desensitized, 2004)
“I think this song is about some one who got hurt by some one and is trying to find out what the fuck to do.+ it’s probably bout some one who doesn’t give second chances. They don’t want that fucker back any time soon. “
12. Cast Me Aside (Desensitized, 2004)
“Desensitized is a step forward, but not a big one. It’s energetic and quite inspired, but it lacks a clearer identity than “angsty dude rock”, and it’s not as memorable as its highlights. Teenagers who like this kind of rock would love this album, and those who enjoy Hard Rock from time to time will like the highlights”

11. Mute (Sinner, 2001)
“Some nice bass, but meh. The words I can describe this album as Repetitive, dull, should do something better with my life. The only bit that’s getting my attention is the Youtube comment”
10. Told You So (Sinner, 2001)
“The shouts of “Shut Up” Were done before. yeah Linkin Park did it before and that made me laugh, this is just so beyond meh. That I am barely paying attention. I am reading Karl Pilkington’s stories of Idiot Abroad while listening to this and I have totally forgot this album was on”
9. Turn So Cold (Drowning Pool, 2010)
“The song is an epitome of musical brilliance…AWESOME vocals and the emotions pour out of the guitar work… Chorus is awesome, epic vocals and great composition.”

8. All Over Me (Sinner, 2001)
“These guys can sing. Awesome tune and a great beat. They like to mix it up. Great variation in beat & the singing. Great lyrics too.”
7. Rise Up (WWE: The Music – Theme Addict, Vol. 6, 2004)
“Well you’re one of the few that thinks that diabolic, this song is awesome. Raw has better superstars for the most part, but Smackdown! definitely beats them on the theme song.”
See more: Staind Albums Ranked
6. Reminded (Sinner, 2001)
“It’s probably about a guy in a relationship with a girl. He’s too blind to see their failing relationship so he’d “never thought he see the day” and after their relation is split, he is reminded of her. Then he goes into this state of depression: feeling undecided, feeling everything’s been taken away and he feels like a little boy, scared and frightened.”

5. The Game (WWF Forceable Entry, 2002)
“No offense to Motorhead, but this song is better than the original. Usually, I say that is not true, but this is a rare exception. This one is legendary, Triple H’s theme song”
4. Step Up (The Punisher: The Album, 2004)
“It’s a motto to my way of life! Drowning Pool always used to be one of my favourite bands and this song shows that even with a new Vocalist they could kill with Desensitized”
3. Sinner (Sinner, 2001)
“This is just pure angst rock. There’s no denying that. And you’ll be pretty wrong to look for some “Great rhythm guitar playing, blistering solos and blast beats” here. The instrumentation in this album is just so freakin simple man.”

2. Tear Away (Sinner, 2001)
“Classic song. Atmospheric and very cool. Bodies and Tear Away are the to two Drowning Pool songs in my opinion. This song was pretty damn awesome. “
1. Bodies (Sinner, 2001)
“The best song by Drowning Pool. Ever. There is no comparison. It’s like they took all of the good things from Sinner ad crammed it into the best shot Drowning Pool was ever going to get, because after Stage dies it all goes downhill in my mind.”