Empty Heaven unleash their impactful new single ‘Hauntology’

After recently following up their 2023 EP ‘Enjoy Like A Pro’ with their stunning comeback single ‘End Times!’ earlier this year, US duo Empty Heaven are back at it once again as they deliver their impactful new single ‘Hauntology’.

Continuing to explore more of that broad and immersive aesthetic they have been building since their earliest beginnings, ‘Hauntology’ makes for a brilliantly fresh and dynamic listen. With its explosive and kinetic energy paired equally with a more tempered direction throughout, they continue to impress with one of their most adventurous outings to date.

Adding about ‘Hauntology’, they said, “Regrets, painful memories, and lost friends can follow you around. It’s a genuine haunting, a cloud of ghosts you have to walk through. “Hauntology” is a song about trudging through these painful thoughts and memories, attempting to get past all of it. It’s loud, wild, and emotional. Enjoy.”