Fall Out Boy Albums Ranked
Fall Out Boy is an American rock band formed in Wilmette, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago, in 2001. The band consists of lead vocalist and rhythm guitarist Patrick Stump, bassist Pete Wentz, lead guitarist Joe Trohman, and drummer Andy Hurley. The band originated from Chicago’s hardcore punk scene, with which all members were involved at one point. The group was formed by Wentz and Trohman as a pop punk side project of the members’ respective hardcore bands, and Stump joined shortly thereafter. The group went through a succession of drummers before landing Hurley and recording the group’s debut album, Take This to Your Grave (2003). The album became an underground success and helped the band gain a dedicated fan base through heavy touring, as well as commercial success. Take This to Your Grave has commonly been cited as an influential blueprint for pop punk music in the 2000s. Here are all of Fall Out Boy’s albums ranked.
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7. American Beauty/American Psycho (2015)

“I like it, it’s good and all that. HOWEVER, it is very different from their other stuff. I mean radically different. First off, the album leans MUCH more towards pop/mainstream flair, further away from the hard’ish/rock/grunge/alternative-while-melodic style they were so VERY good at in their earlier albums. This doesn’t mean that it isn’t creative, at all. I think it is probably their most creative sounding album yet. If I had never heard their earlier stuff and LOVED it so much, I would probably LOVE this album, on different merits. But I bring into the new album all the expectations I had from their previous stuff. I have had to pull myself away from my expectations to allow myself to really enjoy the album for what it is, a very good, creative album.”
6. FOLIE À DEUX (2008)

“every time i listen to it I hear something different… so many LAYERS. It’s more introspective and chill than the fob you hear on the radio, and it’s excellent. Also the album insert has absolutely beautiful pictures of the boys (pete wentz + blue eyeliner pls n thnks) Hope ya like it as much as I do. Overall solid album.
5. Take This To Your Grave (2003)

“Took me back to childhood nostalgia with the guitar sound you can only get from the early 2000’s nowadays. Used to hear bands like My Chemical Romance and Fall Out Boy all the time on the radio growing, so surprised i forgot about them until recently when i stumbled across them on youtube again and decided to buy every single one of their albums i could get my hands on! In other words, GREAT BUY!”
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4. Save Rock and Roll (2013)

“lf they set out with a blueprint to create an album of classy stadium anthems then l think they achieved just that. They sound like they grew out of the clever titled frat boy rock songs previously released and took on a much more polished overall sound (Not normally a good thing but in this case it works and is a compliment) “My songs know what you did..” prompted my purchase and is my favourite track however l was pleased to find that the whole of the rest of the album was of similar calibre. I even like the final track featuring Sir Elton John whereas l normally claim only to like him for his seventies output. Great album.”
3. From Under the Cork Tree (2005)

“When I first watched the Sugar, We’re Going Down video, I knew I have discovered something great. Fall Out Boy has been with me for more than 10 years, and they have helped me overcome teenage and adult difficulties throughout those years. Finally buying this record made me feel like I was, at last, a whole. Its sound and lyrics are like any other and it’s a record I’ll probably still listen to when I’m old and retired.”
2. M A N I A (2018)

“Wild ride, but FOB does it again. I’ve been a fan since conception, and I’ve never been let down by a single CD. It’s amazing to see them evolve. I’ve noticed a lot of these reviews are complaining about that evolution, but FOB has been around so long (including hiatus) that it’s ridiculous to think they would keep the same exact sound. (Besides, if they did, that would just make them stale by now.) I love the way they continue to reinvent without losing their core sound and emotion, and this Album did not disappoint. One of my favorites from them for sure.”
1. Infinity on High (2007)

“Just about any of the tracks on Infinity on High could have been singles; it’s a shame that more of them didn’t make on the air. What’s interesting about them is the differences between them. They are all Fall Out Boy tunes to be sure, but each has different arrangements and instruments – even more so than their other releases. There’s just an amazing range here. It’s definitely not fourteen tracks of the same stuff using different chords. After buying this one and worried I must have missed some great music, I went back and got the releases I was missing. Most people tout the debut album, which was very good, but I’ve got to say, this one’s my favorite of them all. Favorite FOB album for sure”