Filter Albums Ranked
Filter is an American rock band formed in 1993 in Cleveland, Ohio, by singer Richard Patrick and guitarist and programmer Brian Liesegang. The band was formed when Patrick desired to start his own band after leaving Nine Inch Nails as their touring guitarist. Their debut album Short Bus was released in 1995 and ended up going platinum, largely due to the success of the single “Hey Man Nice Shot”. After the album, the band would go through the first of many lineup changes, leaving Patrick as the only consistent member across all releases. In 2018, Brian Liesegang returned to Filter to work on a new album, reBus which was meant to musically be the follow-up to Short Bus. Due to the PledgeMusic bankruptcy, reBus was shelved and Patrick has since been working on a new album Murica, which was originally scheduled for release in 2021. Here are all of Filter albums ranked.
Don’t miss out on the music of Filter below! Click to enjoy the songs that made them a huge commercial success in the USA!
8. Crazy Eyes
“Long time Filter fan, when they are good they are magnificent and have produced some of my all time favourite tracks,however the last two albums I really did’nt like at all. This Album really starts to get warmed up after track 2 and just gets better and better, I would say back to near their very best. Very,very good album.”
7. The Sun Comes Out Tonight
“Really love this album. Very catchy and some great riffs. Perfect driving music. I would recommend this to anyone who likes awesome guitar riffs and heavy but tuneful songs. Production is pretty good too. Very polished but still has a huge energy to it.”

6. Anthems For The Damned
“This is not a terrific album or a must have but it’s the first popular album of th 00’s that has balls enough to get political and in your face about the war in Iraq and the other tough subjects that plague America. If you only listen to one track on this album, check out What’s Next. It’s got something to say.”
5. The Trouble With Angels
“The Inevitable Relapse” winds up the album then pounds guitar and drums into you while describing Richard Patrick’s addiction to drugs or “love” as he says. The drum and guitar breakdown sounds like signature Filter. Richard’s scream of “When I wake up” is a highlight of the song. And it ends with the Filter trademark sound of guitar string scratching.”
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4. The Very Best Things (1995–2008)
“Filter is one of a kind. If you like music that’s full of talent, anger and love, this album is your choice. It’s a must for a hardcore fan, and a good start for a new listener. The soundtrack stuff is excellent, and some of it has been really hard to get for years – awesome that it’s available here!”
3. The Amalgamut
“This is the first Filter album I’ve heard and I must say I like it a lot. The album is filled with punchy, aggressive alt. metal tracks with some good 90s inspired Alternative rock tracks here and there.”

2. Short Bus
“A really good mid 90s industrial rock album. Filter has always been very hit or miss for me, but this is a really good album with lots of classic tracks. I also really enjoy this album due to the fact that it captures the time period. This sounds like a mid 90s rock/metal album and really gives me a lot of nostalgia.”
1. Title Of Record
“The creative drumming and beats absolutely makes this album unique, not only from Filter’s other releases but from music in general. In the same way as another industrial rock release; Machines of Loving Grace’s Gilt, it’s an album which sounds like nothing else and didn’t attract enough attention for many people to have tried emulating – making it a rare diamond in my collection.”
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