Hanoi Rocks Albums Ranked
Hanoi Rocks were a Finnish rock band formed in 1979. They were the first Finnish band to chart in the UK and they were also popular in Japan. The band broke up in June 1985 after drummer Nicholas “Razzle” Dingley died in a car accident during their first US tour in December 1984. Original vocalist Michael Monroe and guitarist Andy McCoy reunited in 2001 with a new lineup that lasted until 2009. Although musically closer to traditional rock n’ roll and punk, the band have been cited as a major influence in the glam metal genre for bands such as Guns N’ Roses, Skid Row and Poison. Here are all of Hanoi Rock’s albums ranked.
Don’t miss out on TIMELESS Hanoi Rocks albums below! Click to experience the pioneers of Glam Metal!
7. Street Poetry (2007)

“The “new” version of Hanoi Rocks are back with an excellent new album after the disappointing 2005 album Another Hostile Takeover.Street Poetry is definitely Michael Monroe and Andy McCoy’s best offering so far since reforming back in 2003 and is a lot more consistent in content.Hardly a weak song (if any) on this.Best tracks include Street Poetry,Fashion,Power of Persuasion,Teenage Revolution and Walking Away.This ones for Rock n Roll will have you tapping your foot along to it and the album ends with a very good instrumental Fumblefoot and Bumblebee.If your an old fan like myself or new to Hanoi’s music – this will defintely not disappoint”
6. Another Hostile Takeover (2005)

“This album is kind of a transition between the Twelve Shots on The Rocks and Street Poetry. Don’t let the other reviews fool you….i actually prefer this to 12 Shots. This album as a whole is a little less rock than the 12 Shots album but features some great tracks, some of the best tracks of Hanoi’s career. “
5. Bangkok Shocks, Saigon Shakes, Hanoi Rocks (1981)

“Remember all the nights we wrote it on the walls that “Punks Never Die”? I love this album. This will always be one of my favorite Hanoi Rocks album. Great lyrics, catchy riffs, sleeze and sex. These guys were the Sunset Strip Glam Metal Rock Band before there WERE any metal bands on the Strip. (I know they’re from Finland) I think Guns and Roses re-released all their stuff on their Uzi Suicide label in 1989, putting the albums on different colored vinyl. I’ve got this one on Yellow vinyl somewhere in the basement. If you’re new to Hanoi Rocks…THIS is the album to get.”
4. Oreintal Beat (1982)

“This album Rocks. This is the one to get. Ive been listening to this album since around 1985 and it rocks. The drummer of the band “Razzle” was the guy that was with Vince Neil who got killed in the DUI accident. Anyway ive listened to their other albums but this one is the best. If I had to pick 10 records (cd’s) to be on an island by myself forever This one would be highly concidered as one of them. Thats how I rate my music.”
See More: Poison Albums Ranked
3. Twelve Shots On The Rocks (2002)

“Hanoi Rocks is back, and we’re mighty glad to have ’em. This great album stands alongside their classics for punky, hard-rocking jams that offer their distinctive signature sound. Integral members Mike and Andy are on board, joined by very competent, rockin’ newcomers. Sure, the old squad is missed, Nasty in particular, but that old magic is still there, with Mike and Andy sharing songwriting chores.
Any band with Mike Monroe and Andy McCoy playing together certainly has the right to call itself Hanoi Rocks; this is the Real McCoy. This album offers uncompromised punk/glam slamming rock from the old school. If that’s your cup of tea, jump in. Unreserved recommendation to all their old fans; you will not be disappointed. Mike always was, and continues to be, one of the most effective frontmen ever. Andy smokes, as always. Welcome back.”
2. Two Steps From The Move (1984)

“With the final demise of HR, it is time to praise the original HR’s definitive effort. Combination of classic rock and roll (Up Around the Bend), ham fisted rock/punk (I Can’t Get It), romance fast (Boulevard….) and slow (Don’t You Ever Leave Me and Million Miles Away). No real clunkers. The lesson McCoy and Monroe should have learned is that a strong producer like Erzin (Alice Cooper and Kiss) and help from Ian Hunter (Mott the Hoople and writer of Cleveland Rocks and Once Bit, Twice Shy) cut the flab and add value. Still one of the best rock and roll albums ever.”
1. Back To Mystery City (1983)

“Finland’s Hanoi Rocks were fast making inroads into the international hard rock scene with an eclectic mixture of styles, both old school and recent. Though often compared to later hair bands that they inspired (Motley, GnR), their sound was not as easily classifiable. Taking their lead from such glam stalwarts as Mott the Hoople and New York Dolls, Mike Monroe, Andy McCoy and Co. carved their own mark on the early to mid-eighties rock world. On `Back to Mystery City’, former Mott members Buffin and Overend were on hand as producers for their Scandinavian acolytes. I think `Mystery City’ is as good as any of Hanoi Rocks’ discs with such cuts as blistering opener “Malibu Beach Nightmare”, the title track and “Tooting Bec Wreck”; these are as good as any songs in the catalog. “Until I Get You” is a great ballad and much of the second half of the record is slower which is fine but maybe not as memorable. That the band was able to carry this momentum into a deal with CBS Records says enough about what `Back to Mystery City’ had in terms of success.”