Hotlung showcase their debut EP with the anthemic new single ‘Never Home’

After recently introducing themselves to the fold with their stunning debut EP ‘In Spite Of’ in recent weeks, US outfit Hotlung now continue the support for their latest collection with the anthemic new single ‘Never Home’.

As the opening track to their new EP, ‘Never Home’ certainly gets things off to a stellar start for them. Bringing together a heady mix of soaring riffs and explosive production at every turn, they are definitely ones to keep a firm eye on for the months ahead as well.

Speaking about the new release, lead singer Kelly Dalbeck said, “It’s about being a woman in general and never really feeling like you have complete agency over your own body. You’re never the one in complete control of it, there’s always some other factor going on. My experience has been that as women we sometimes disassociate from our bodies, too.”