INTERVIEW: Atari Pilot discuss influences, live shows, and their expansive musical journey

Over the last few years, Swindon’s Atari Pilot have been keen to build themselves a repertoire of anthemic delights in preparation for their new studio album ‘It’s the journey you can’t live without’, a record almost 13 years in the making!

Spending much of the last few months churning out one brilliant snapshot of it after another, we caught up with lead singer Onze to discuss his influences, live shows, and the band’s expansive musical journey so far.

What was the first rock song or artist that made an impact on you?

My parents introduced me to loads of classic artists growing up. Within the rock sphere I’d have to go with David Bowie & Queen. It  was probably around the Let’s Dance / Radio gaga period where I first became aware of them as a young kid.

Who are some of your biggest musical influences within the rock genre?

In terms of classic artists, The Doors, The Who and Springsteen were big formative influences.

Are there any non-rock musicians or genres that have also influenced your music?

I think over the years i’ve had many influences from across the musical spectrum. A couple that spring to mind would be Daft Punk and Lana Del Rey. Just masters at what they do and they make it seem effortless.

What is your main inspiration when looking to write new music?

It really could be anything. Our music  is all about trying to understand yourself and making sense of the world around you and how you’re connected to others. Musically it’s about it reflecting the emotion and vibe of the lyrics but being recognisably Atari Pilot.

What do you enjoy most about performing live and do you have any memorable live performance experiences you’d like to share?

Playing live is such a great transmission of energy, you really feel alive at a gig.

In terms of performance anecdotes my best one is probably back when my first band played Dublin Castle and our manager’s mate came and watched us.. Our manager’s mate was Rick Astley. What a gent he was too!

What has been a particularly rewarding moment in your musical journey so far?

Being able to release our 2nd album, 13 years after the first has to be it. I’ve always loved a comeback story and to actually make it happen and not to have given up on Atari Pilot is something special and an inspiration that will continue to drive us. I hope it inspires others too. It’s not about where you’ve been , it’s where you’re going to.

How would you define success as a musician?

Having the opportunity to make music that inspires me and others to make the most of life.

What advice would you give to aspiring artists who are just starting out?

Really spend time trying things out and finding out who you are as an artist , what you’re about and where you want to go. Once you know this, build a vision and then have smaller goals to help keep you engaged and motivated on your path. 

Get to know people in your local scene and build relationships, don’t try to do it all alone. 

Finally, think about things over the long term and don’t try to fall for shortcuts. Remember why you love music.

Atari Pilot’s new album ‘It’s the journey you can’t live without’ is out this Friday 15th March. Watch the video for their recent single ‘No more self sabotage’ below.