INTERVIEW: Charlie Tonight discusses influences and aspirations alongside her debut single ‘Do You Want Me (Come On)’

Earlier this year, fast-rising newcomer Charlie Tonight released her vibrant debut single ‘Do You Want Me (Come On)’, a release that has established her as one of the more exciting names on the rise right now.

So with the track still rising through the ranks, we caught up with her to discuss her influences and aspirations for the future.

What was the first rock song or artist that made an impact on you?

When I was 9, I visited some family in Brazil. My cousin, whom I’d just met, made me a gift: a rock music CD that included tracks from Aerosmith’s Young Lust Anthology and Red Hot Chili Peppers’ Californication record. It blew my mind.

Who are some of your biggest musical influences within the rock genre?

My father is a fan of British and Irish rock music. He introduced me to bands such as the Police, U2, the Smiths, the Cure. When I was 14, I listened to a Led Zeppelin record for the first time and decided that was going to be my favorite genre. I love female voices – and writers – that break your heart open such as PJ Harvey, Alanis Morissette, Stevie Nicks, Florence Welch, Beth Gibbons, Tori Amos, Billie Holiday, Joni Mitchell, Janis Joplin. I love rock music from the 60s and 70s (Patti Smith, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan, etc.). I adore alternative rock bands such as Radiohead. I love the guitar of Jimmy Page and John Frusciante. I have always listened to more than one genre though.

Are there any non-rock musicians or genres that have also influenced your music?

I graduated in classical guitar, so I learnt to love classical music, mostly solo instrumental music (Mozart, Liszt and Brahms among others) and Opera. I like folks music as well. I am always open to new genres, but of course loud guitars that sound like coming from the bottom of the ocean are my favorite.

What is your main inspiration when looking to write new music?

I try to look inside of me and elaborate on anything that has affected me in some way. In my first record, main topics are love, acceptance and social issues such as cultural/gender discrimination. I think music should be political. Also while discussing love and attraction.

What do you enjoy most about performing live and do you have any memorable live performance experiences you’d like to share?

Playing live is the main reason I write songs. There is nothing like shared music. Nothing can beat that. I have played live in smaller and medium-sized venues, both acoustically and with the band. I like playing in front of larger audiences because of the energy, but nothing beats the ambiance of an acoustic gig in a theatre. Having said that, I’m looking forward to playing big festivals all over the world. I am ready.

What has been a particularly rewarding moment in your musical journey so far?

Completing my record. I wrote all of the songs, arranged and produced them. That was a lot of work. When I finally listened to all the tracks with the feeling that they worked and that they are there, they had been recorded, it felt like a miracle. I’m looking forward to sharing it with the world.

How would you define success as a musician?

I would love to be a very successful and famous artist, of course, but I believe that success for a musician is first and foremost to make the music that you feel is your own. To be authentic. To listen to your own strings. Not following the latest fashion trends, not trying to write things that other people might like. If you are also loved and respected, all the better.

What advice would you give to aspiring artists who are just starting out?

Don’t be afraid of hard work and late nights. And keep your day job if you need to in order to always be able to decide what kind of music you want to make.

Listen to Charlie Tonight’s new single ‘Do You Want Me (Come On) below.