Juju unveils her vibrant new single ‘Swings And Roundabouts’

Following on from her highly-praised debut EP ‘I’ve Got A Lot To Say’ in the middle of last year, London-based artist Juju is back on the grind once again to unveil her vibrant new single ‘Swings And Roundabouts’.

Bringing back more of that rich and shimmering pop-rock aesthetic she has been growing over the years, ‘Swings And Roundabouts’ makes for a strong and confident return for her. With its invigorating textures and soaring hooks layered throughout, she is returning to the fold with one of her most impactful efforts to date here.

Adding about the track, she said, “When I wrote this track I was going through a difficult time due to circumstances in my personal life, but I kept trying to remind myself that it’s not always going to be this hard or feel this bad, you just have to brace yourself and go through it to come out the other side. The phrase “it’s all swings and roundabouts” came to mind, and although it could be seen as more disparaging than inspiring in the depths of mental distress, its sentiment and slightly tongue-in-cheek humour inspired me to write a song around it.  

“The lyrics of the verses explore what it’s like to try and keep some form of routine together while struggling mentally and I wanted to reflect that sense of chaos and discomfort with the electric and confronting the guitar lines that cut through the verses.

“It’s normal to have and experience the many ups and downs of life and to remember that the upswing will come, but patience is necessary to feel how you need to feel and the amount of time needed to heal and recover is not for anyone else to dictate but yourself.”