Ragged Glory Songs Ranked
Ragged Glory is the 18th studio album by Canadian / American singer-songwriter Neil Young, and his sixth album with the band Crazy Horse. It was released by Reprise Records on September 9, 1990. The album revisits the hard-rock style previously explored on Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere and Zuma. The first two tracks, “Country Home” and “White Line” are songs Young and Crazy Horse originally wrote and performed live in the 1970s (the original recording of “White Line”, made for an aborted Homegrown album would finally see release in 2020). “Farmer John” is a cover of a 1960s song, written and performed by R&B duo Don and Dewey and also performed by British Invasion group The Searchers as well as garage band The Premiers. Young revealed that the song “Days that Used to Be” is inspired by Bob Dylan’s “My Back Pages”. The album features many extended guitar jams, with two songs stretching out to more than ten minutes. The closing track, “Mother Earth (Natural Anthem)”, uses the melody of the folk song “The Water Is Wide”. Here are all of Ragged Glory’s songs ranked.
Listen to the timeless songs of this Canadian-born singer. Click below and experience Neil Young’s music.
10. Mother Earth (Natural Anthem)
“The only downer is “Mother Earth” I respect the message Neil is trying to make with this track, but it is completely subpar and totally out of place on the CD, unfortunately, it practically rescues the CD from near perfection. It is a totally expendible track.”
9. Country Home
“The leadoff track on the CD “Country Home” is obviously well-suited for the aforementioned type of drive. Ragged Glory is also the essential album to listen to on a long country drive, disturbing the cattle and the small towns on the way!”

8. Love and Only Love
“Neil’s singing on this disc is the best I have ever heard him sound, and there is even some really good harmony with Crazy Horse. He sings with a maturity and conviction that drives home the messages in the songs.”
See more: Neil Young Albums Ranked
7. White Line
“White Line” has an excellent driving riff and is a very concise song, almost ending prematurely, kind of like Stone Temple Pilots “Interstate Love Song” four years later.”

6. Days That Used to Be
“The guitar intro to Days That Used to Be sounds a bit like John Mellencamp when he was known as John Cougar (although the melody sounds not unlike the Byrds’ version of Dylan’s My Back Pages).”
5. F*!#in’ Up
“”F*!#in’ UP” is my favorite track on Ragged Glory. It is the most aggressive song on the album lyrically and musically. It’s an understatement, but this song kicks serious a**. The title itself prevented it from major airplay, but changing or editing that would be a grave injustice. “Over And Over” has a killer melody, a great chorus and the guitars keep on rocking.”

See more: Neil Young Songs Ranked
4. Mansion on the Hill
“Mansion On the Hill” is sure to be included on the next Neil Young retrospective. Only these guys can take a simple 3-chord riff and do something with it. This was the single release from the album, and it’s easy to see why, as it is easily the catchiest tune on the record.”
3. Over and Over
“Over And Over” has a killer melody, a great chorus and the guitars keep on rocking. I have always been a lover of Young’s impassioned (some would say sloppy) guitar playing style. I find his longer solos inspiring, never boring and always exactly right for the song.”

2. Farmer John
“The bouncy “Farmer John” snaps you out of that, I think of a comely, natural, well built county girl almost every time I listen to it. “Farmer John” is another great, tough riff-rocker.”
1. Love to Burn
“Love to Burn” is a ten-minute long opus that seriously rocks. It will hold your attention the entire duration and at the same time may cause to you look deep inside yourself on what you want and need out of love and out of life.”