REVIEW: John Zdrojeski – ‘Nor’easter I’

Over these last few years, New York singer-songwriter John Zdrojeski has already been on a broad and adventurous journey. While originally breaking through with his dazzling debut EP ‘Primitive I’, a release that explored a more folk-inspired direction, his debut album ‘Misters’ in 2022 saw him harness his love for classic rock, giving him this wildly enigmatic aesthetic. But since the tragic loss of his mother in recent years, he is now looking to explore a more diverse appeal with his latest EP ‘Nor’easter I’, a collection that explores the best of his vibrant direction to date.

If his last two releases set him apart from the crowd, ‘Nor’easter I’ looks to do it with style and aplomb at every turn. Channelling his inner Springsteen for tracks like ‘Daisy’, this new five-track offering makes for a wonderfully fresh and enjoyable listen from beginning to end. Keeping up that unpredictable nature he has been cultivating since he first arrived, he is shining with some of his most progressive efforts to date here.

These last few years have certainly been a great time for innovation and self-discovery, but ‘Nor’easter I’ shows he still has plenty of fresh and exciting ideas in which to develop. With such a strong and confident grasp over his songwriting once again, he is definitely one to keep a firm eye on for the months ahead as well.