REVIEW: snailosaur – ‘Nature & Kaleidoscopic Mind’

Throughout this past year, New York City’s snailosaur have been quick to establish themselves as one of the more lively names emerging on the US underground right now. Delivering a flurry of immersive offerings throughout 2023, the band cemented their dynamic legacy with their widely-praised debut album ‘Talk Therapy’ at the start of the year, earning them praise and acclaim across the broad. And with a new dawn emerging within their career to date, they are back once again to deliver their dual single ‘Nature & Kaleidoscopic Mind’, a two-track offering that continues to push the boundaries of their aesthetic once again.

Bringing back more of that bold and impactful appeal they have been crafting for themselves, both ‘Nature’ and ‘Kaleidoscopic Mind’ each look to showcase the reflective sides of their sound so far. With ‘Nature’ offering up a fun and lively introduction to the release, ‘Kaleidoscopic Mind’ takes us on a far more emotive journey as they look to heighten their lyrical prowess throughout. But despite two such two endeavours to pursue, they make light work of both of them, elevating their diverse approach to production from beginning to end.

It has certainly been a busy time for them in recent times, but ‘Nature & Kaleidoscopic Mind’ makes for a strong and commanding return for the duo. Brimming with this rich and expressive quality throughout, we can’t wait to hear where they plan to take their distinctive sound next.