The Best Albums of 1997
1997 doesn’t seem all that long ago. Y2K was fast approaching and we were freaking out about machines canceling progress and taking us back to the dark ages. Was it the fear and paranoia that gave rise to some of the best music in recent(ish) memory or was it something else? Whatever it was, when we got digging into The best albums of 1997, we were spoilt for choice when choosing favorites. While many at the time were apprehensive about what technology might have in store for us over the next few years, many bands and artists embraced it and made career – and genre-defining albums. 20 years later, these albums from 1997 are still on heavy rotation on our stereos and still sound just as good as they did back then. Here are all of the 1997 albums ranked.
Don’t miss out on the TIMELESS songs of 1997 below! Click below to experience the most popular songs of this year!
10. The Boatman’s Call (Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds)

“This album leaves behind much of the story-telling he is renowned for and instead touches on deep personal existential musings using visceral poetry that caresses confusing yet beautiful emotions from the listener. He seems to be telling us that beauty truly emanates from the darkness and not from the light of which most of us presume. Few artists have the genius to make us realize this incredible insight.”
9. The Colour And The Shape (Foo Fighters)

“Dave has found himself a band and emerges better as a frontman and that benefits the quality of the music. You can hear more experience on this album than on the raw debut. Some of the band’s best songs come from this album.”
8. Perfect From Now On (Built To Spill)

“It combines indie and noise rock in a really awesome way. The combination of experimentation with traditional indie music leads to a fantastic sound. There are some great moments with the string sections and the guitar played in reverse on “Unstrustable/Part 2 (About Someone Else)”. The lyricism is great as well.”
See more: Foo Fighters Albums Ranked
7. Urban Hymns (The Verve)

“Apart from the obvious track, Lucky Man, The Drugs Don’t Work, Sonnet, The Rolling People and Come On are great tracks. The rest is listenable, but not Neon Wilderness which should have not appeared on this album.”
6. F♯A♯∞ (Godspeed You! Black Emperor)

“A high potential for artistic interpretation as well as a strong theme and message are what I admire most about this album. The music itself is nothing special, but it’s the meaning that gives this record enough depth to become exceptional.”
5. Ladies And Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space (Spiritualized)

“Still doesn’t hold a candle to Lazer Guided Melodies in my ears, but it’s certainly got some excellent tunes on it, and it’s been growing on me as a whole. I Think I’m In Love and Broken Heart are both absolutely fantastic. The noisy parts can be enjoyable but sometimes veer into feeling aimless. Namely, Cop Shoot Cop has this feeling a lot, in addition to being the least compelling song melodically.”
4. The Lonesome Crowded West (Modest Mouse)

“I enjoy the album in its entirety even though there are a couple of tracks that I wouldn’t say are great, but still work really well on the album in the greater context while listening track by track. The highlight of the album, in my opinion, are the tracks Cowboy Dan and Trailer Trash which are just truly amazing songs, that hit incredibly hard.”
See more: Modest Mouse Albums Ranked
3. Either/Or (Elliott Smith)

“Can’t help compare this to songs: ohia – magnolia electric co. Both records make me feel similar. Both in my overall. The rest is obvious. I also saw both live and enjoyed both shows but it was years later down the line before I fully appreciated how these records would resonate with me.”
2. Homogenic (Björk)

“Björk’s most dense and gratifying release of the 90s, Homogenic also places the final missing puzzle piece from her first two albums in its place: cohesion. Homogenic is incredibly focused and executed. This album is a pinnacle in art-pop.”
1. OK Computer (Radiohead)

“I think that calling an album ‘overrated’ on the first listen is a form of entitlement. Some of my favorite albums of all time I absolutely hated on my first listen. Give it time. Give it patience. A good album grows on you like breaking in a good pair of shoes.”