The Best Albums of 2009
In 2009, electropop and Nu-disco increased in popularity in North America, replacing hip-hop and R&B as the dominant genres of music. Artists like Britney Spears, Beyoncé, and Lady Gaga brought this style to great popularity towards the end of 2008 with their hits such as Britney’s “Womanizer”, Beyonce’s Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It), and Gaga’s Poker Face. Furthermore, Madonna’s singles such as “Hung Up” (#1 in 45 countries) and “4 Minutes” (#1 in 32 countries) become huge dance hits. (See hip hop, urban pop, and R&B above for more information.) On December 11, 2009, Billboard Magazine named Rapper Eminem as the Best Artist of the Decade for the 2000s. He joins the list with Elvis Presley, The Beatles, Elton John, and Michael Jackson who have also been awarded this honor in their respective decades. Here are all of the 2009 albums ranked.
Don’t miss out on the TIMELESS songs of 2009 below! Click to experience the music at its finest!
10. Bitte Orca (Dirty Projectors)

“I am constantly amazed by this album, it’s aging like the finest of wines. With every listen I love it more than I did before. It makes me a bit sad how underrated it is on this website. It deserves to be up there with AnCo, xx, and Grizzly Bear.”
9. Sigh No More (Mumford & Sons)

“Almost every song on this album is great, no songs that you feel you need to skip like on a lot of albums. I was looking for quintessential Mumford and Sons, and this is exactly that. I was very pleased and listen to it frequently.”
8. Humbug (Arctic Monkeys)

“My favorite album by them. Love the change in style and more psychedelic style, very spacey. Love it from front to back. Cornerstone is the centerpiece of this album for me, perfectly sums up losing a partner and seeing their face everywhere you go. A secret door, cry lighting are fantastic tracks also.”
See more: Arctic Monkeys Albums Ranked
7. Lungs (Florence + The Machine)

“Some people will find this record too bloated and commercialized, I’m sure, but what can I say? I love Lungs epic arrangements, and Florence’s soaring vocals are completely astonishing.”
6. The Resistance (Muse)

“This is an amazing album. A lot of comments keep talking about the first three songs. Yes, they are the best songs but there are great songs after them as well. Exogenesis is a very well-crafted and emotional song that doesn’t get enough praise. I’ll rank this album fourth best out of the current seven studio albums.”
5. Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix (Phoenix (FR))

“The only word I can think of when describing this record is magical. Absolutely perfect from beginning to end. An album worth playing on repeat. Pheonix hasn’t made anything close to this in terms of quality since, but this record is a towering achievement of their sound.”
4. Veckatimest (Grizzly Bear)

“This album is totally exuberant; pitting together Baroque, Psych Folk, and Chamber Pop to create something of complete beauty. It took me a while to come around on it but now I’m obsessed with it.”
See more: The xx Albums Ranked
3. xx (The xx)

“Minimalistic indie dream pop that almost reaches perfection. Intro might be one of the most iconic album openers ever. The xx debut reminds us that music that is spatially aware can also be catchy and even danceable.”
2. Hospice (The Antlers)

“Absolutely brilliant album, perhaps the third greatest album of the 00s along with Kid A and In Rainbows. This is also a great entry point to explore the rest of the Antlers discography. his is a modern classic that carries an earnest emotional weight which will pull you from the depths of despair when you face the tragic horrors of life, and will give you much needed perspective in times of unbridled joy and comfort.”
1. Merriweather Post Pavilion (Animal Collective)

“MPP is Animal Collective’s masterpiece. Yes, it’s not as experimental as some of the earlier albums, which are genus in their own rights, but the songwriting, lush loops, and zeitgeist all combine here to form arguably the most important (and possibly the best) pop album in recent memory.”