The Best Metal Drummers Of All Time Ranked
Heavy metal drumming is a style of rock music drum kit playing that developed in the late 1960s and early 1970s, largely in the United Kingdom and the United States. With roots in blues rock and psychedelic/acid rock drum playing, heavy metal drummers play with emphatic beats, and overall loudness using an aggressive performing style. Heavy metal (or “metal”) drumming is traditionally characterized by emphatic rhythms and dense bass guitar-and-drum sound. The essence of metal drumming is creating a loud, constant beat for the band using the “trifecta of speed, power, and precision”. Metal drumming “requires an exceptional amount of endurance”, and drummers have to develop “considerable speed, coordination, and dexterity … to play the intricate patterns” used in metal. A characteristic metal drumming technique is the cymbal choke, which consists of striking a cymbal and then immediately silencing it by grabbing it with the other hand (or, in some cases, the same striking hand), producing a burst of sound. The metal drum setup is generally much larger than those employed in other forms of rock music. Black metal, death metal and some “mainstream metal” bands “all depend upon double-kicks and blast beats”
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20. Scott Travis (Judas Priest)

“Of course, the Painkiller solo is an insane drum experience, but come on guy, look at his lives, he’ll show you that his techniques are more stronger than only one song! Scott is a powerhouse, as his notorious solo on PainKiller will rip your face off.”
19. Vinnie Paul (Pantera)

“Vince knew how to let a song breath, instead of filling it unnecessary double kick and noodley business. Death Metal drummers need to learn from guys like Vinnie Paul and Dave Lombardo and know when to groove instead of blast. Sometimes less is truly more.”
18. Mike Mangini (Dream Theater

“One of the most musical drummers, with amazing rhythmic perception and a unique style of playing, other times subtle, other times in your face. Probably the most versatile and non-egoistic drummers in the metal world. This guy is the best…he can rip everyones throats in this list…this guy is a maniac behind the drum kit.”
17. John Dolmayan (System of a Down)

“John Dolmayan is a crazy good drummer! Some of the beats that he does for System of a Down are incredible! I love is style of music and the way he plays drums is mind boggling! Dolmayan really should be higher on this list. With all his work with different musicians. John’s rhythms are spot on and he can keep a fast beat. Plus he does some pretty good drumming on those timbales which is very unique for a metal drummer.”
16. Casey Grillo (Kamelot)

“He plays for Kamelot, a symphonic metal band. Many of their songs must mix the beauty and melody of classical rhythms with the drive and aggression of metal. It takes an unbelievable drummer to do this with the amount of feel he does. He has the ability to balance four on the four thunder with technical flavour without distracting from the song. He plays to the needs of the music, not his own ego. He’s perfect for his band and his genre, while the philosophy of his drumming can be applied to any other”
15. Blake Richardson (Between the Buried and Me)

“Easily one of the world’s best drummer’s, is able to play multiple styles flawlessly. His progressive styled drumming leads to some of the most intricate and intriguing drum rhythms! Definitely underrated. Watch ‘Blake Richardson recording Obfuscation’ on YouTube, you’ll realise why he deserves a spot on this list!”
14. Mario Duplantier (Gojira)

“He completely melts your mind when you’re listening to Gojira, ICONIC. Extremely technical, fast, precise, and jaw-dropping in every way. Just listen to heaviest matter of the universe or any other song for that matter. He is an innovator and a genius! No one touches him right now.”
13. Brann Dailor (Mastodon)

“His drumming is absolutely awe-inspiring, especially the fills (Capillarian Crest). He is an energetic drummer who also possesses the versatility, a unique technique, and most importantly a good sense of control. In addition, he bears a calm and composed temperament, which simply makes him a quintessential role model for any youngsters out there. This guy really inspires me to begin drumming lessons at the earliest possible time and batter the heck out of the drums.”
12. Bill Ward (Black Sabbath)

“Absolute legend in the making, Bill Ward was and is still the most inspiring metal drummer today, he’s a one of a kind and his skill’s where most incredibly shown on stage or wherever he played. Bill Ward is a monster on the drums and again his skill’s show it all, god bless him and Black Sabbath”
11. George Kollias (Nile)

“A unique drummer, unbelievable technique, and it’s fantastic, that such a talented and skillful drummer is also spending his time to teach. I just wish he played some more melodic music – some powermetal, melodic death metal or something”
10. Lars Ulrich (Metallica)

“Lars is a remarkable drummer. Just listen to any song of Metallica’s and listen how he switches constantly to different time signatures. Anyone who is a true Metallica fan would know that. Lars has his own unique style even after over 25 years no one can match his exact style of playing, he is untouchable in a way.”
9. Nicko McBrain (Iron Maiden)

“The opening track of “Where Eagles Dare” famously displays McBrain’s ability to use the single drum pedal very quickly just like double pedal. McBrain often employs the back end of his left hand drum stick to get more aggressive sound of the snare drum. He is able to play a variety of styles. the 7/8 riff which follows the second chorus of “Alexander the Great”. The 7/4 riff on the song “Brighter Than a Thousand Suns” and the 14/8 riff that follows the second chorus on the song “The Longest Day” are other examples of his versatility.”
8. Chris Adler (Lamb of God)

“Chris Adler doesn’t need to mess around being the fastest drummer. His style of playing is unlike any other metal drummer out there and like some have said, his kick technique is nuts. Perfect showcase of his talent can be heard in Blood of the Scribe and Now You’ve Got Something to Die For.”
7. Tomas Haake (Meshuggah)

“He is a beast when it comes to drumming and he also writes the insane lyrics if Meshuggah. Okay, I know we’re talking about drumming. Let’s talk about that. Well he has speed, he has one of the greatest techniques in metal, and he has an influence even on Danny Carey. Listen to Meshuggah and you will fall in love with him, just like I did.”
6. Gene Hoglan (Death, Dark Angel, Testament, Dethklok, Strapping Young Lad)

“Gene Hoglan’s intense and accurate playing means that he can play extreme metal, and record it in two or three takes. That’s a drummer. Most of the above are as sloppy and you could get, excluding Portnoy. But then, Hoglan is ten times better. Listen to any Strapping Young Lad song, Laser Cannon Death Sentence or Biological Warfare.”
5. Danny Carey (Tool)

“The most creative drummer on this list to be sure. While he doesn’t make a conspicuous effort to show off his technical ability and agility so much as Joey Jordison, his rhythms are far more intricate and versatile. Both are very fun and incredible to listen to, but most metal drummers’ rhythms get old somewhat quickly, and it’s up to the guitarists and vocalists to keep the music interesting and relevant. Tool is so driven by rhythm, and Carey’s drumming is absolutely the driving force behind that.”
4. Joey Jordison (Slipknot)

“Joey Jordison is an absolute killer for drums. His insane techniques and unbelievible antiques on stage makes him one of a kind! I’ve seen him live 4 times and I can honestly say that Joey Jordison is the King of Chaotic Drumming and definitely, The Maniac of Madness!”
3. Mike Portnoy (Dream Theater, Liquid Tension Experiment)

“Mike has done so much for me in my personal life (in his work and perseverance in Dream Theater and how much Dream Theater has done for me) and in my drumming, I would be nowhere near as good as I am now without Mike, his drumming inspired me not only to play drums but to enjoy it. Every time I play Octavarium, yes the whole thing on the drums there is just something about it which is just incredible. His drumming and personality has so much energy and flamboyance that without him, Dream Theater were never the same. I love Mike Manginis playing but he lacks that extra element that Mike Portnoy brang to the band.”
2. Jimmy “The Rev” Sullivan (Avenged Sevenfold)

“A true wonder of the drumming world. The Rev was a talented pianist, songwriter, drummer, and singer. He could play those drums so fast… A marvelous thing to watch and hear. A brilliant, happy man, the world is a sadder place without this genius here.”
1. Dave Lombardo (Slayer, Testament)

“Slayer are in fact mainstream, because Metallica made it so, so Dave Lombardo – has always been the greatest metal drummer in history. The sheer brutality on Reign in Blood, Silent Scream, and the unparalleled technicality shown on South of Heaven is face-melting. I couldn’t care less about popularity. Dave Lombardo always has been metal’s greatest drummer.”
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