The Best Metal Songs Of All Time Ranked
Heavy metal is traditionally characterized by loud distorted guitars, emphatic rhythms, dense bass-and-drum sound and vigorous vocals. Heavy metal subgenres variously emphasize, alter or omit one or more of these attributes. In a 1988 article, The New York Times critic Jon Pareles wrote, “In the taxonomy of popular music, heavy metal is a major subspecies of hard-rock—the breed with less syncopation, less blues, more showmanship and more brute force.” The typical band lineup includes a drummer, a bassist, a rhythm guitarist, a lead guitarist and a singer, who may or may not be an instrumentalist. Keyboard instruments are sometimes used to enhance the fullness of the sound. Deep Purple’s Jon Lord played an overdriven Hammond organ. In 1970, John Paul Jones used a Moog synthesizer on Led Zeppelin III; by the 1990s, synthesizers were used in “almost every subgenre of heavy metal”. Here are all of the best Metal songs of all time.
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20. The Four Horsemen – Metallica

“One of Metallicas most underrated songs but this song rock. From the intro and then the thrushing along the speed with which the guitars are played is so awesome it just draws you in and makes you visualise what they are talking about. This is an example of fine art.”
19. Black Sabbath – Black Sabbath

“The song that started it all. Everything about it is iconic, from the thunder and rain of the beginning to the terrifying riff to the Hendrix-style rave up at the end, this is metal. That riff uses what is known as the tritone or “Diabolus In Musica”, a sound that evokes fear and dread in the listener. I wish I was alive in 1970 to be able to hear this on the radio. It was a mission statement, that music was just beginning to be truly understood. Music has never been the same since.”
18. Cemetery Gates – Pantera

“Fantastic riffs, amazing solo, deep and excellent lyrics, nearly perfect vocals, chilling intro, anything else? This songs very emotional, has deep meaning if you try to understand it, touches me and gets me eveytime. This song is masterpiece and soon will become a legend. Dimebag darell for the win, RIP legend!”
17. Raining Blood – Slayer

“It is an amazing song. It has the famous riffs, the brutal drumming, the badass vocals, the speed and the awesome solos. Raining Blood has it all. Slayer has created a masterpiece with this one! If you listen to it 10 times, you will not forget this song for your lifetime.”
16. Cowboys from Hell – Pantera

“This song is a really heavy and groovy tune the beginning is a really good intro to a great song Pantera in general is a great band so this song is a great addition to there great collection of songs. Best Pantera song but overall best metal song of 90’s.
15. Fade to Black – Metallica

“I’ve never heard a song that had given me goosebumps until I heard “Fade To Black”. It’s such a beautiful masterpiece that I barely play it so I never get tired of listening to it, but when I do, I stop what I’m doing and leave my reality.”
14. Crazy Train – Ozzy Osbourne

“Ozzy Osbourne may have first risen to fame as the lead singer for seminal metal masters, Black Sabbath, but his solo work is just as revered. He set off on his own following the release of the band’s 1978 album, Never Say Die. Critics who doubted he could make it as a solo artist were quickly proven wrong when his first solo album, Blizzard Of Ozz, shot up the charts. The album featured the songs “Mr. Crowley” and the soon-to-be classic “Crazy Train” and was quickly followed by an equally successful sophomore album, Diary Of A Madman.”
13. Angel of Death – Slayer

“The California-based thrash metal band Slayer was formed in 1981 and is widely regarded as one of thrash metal’s “Big Four” forefathers, along with Anthrax, Metallica, and Megadeth. The band played together for several decades before going on a farewell tour in 2018, after which they disbanded, leaving behind a total of 12 albums, four of which were certified gold.”
12. Chop Suey! – System of a Down

“Serj and Daron make the most powerful songs and love their people, and their voices are amazing with serj screaming and slow melody and Daron nice soothing high pitches voice. And Shavo is CRAZY. This dude is flipping his fingers all over his bass and it’s amazing, finishing the best noises into any song. And finally, John is the best drummer alive there’s no question he makes the best transitions to beats in music it’s unbelievable”
11. Holy Diver – Dio

“A great song with such a simple, yet complex riff. It uses five power chords and it is written in the key of Cm. Ronnie James Dio’s first solo album was a masterpiece. Somehow, this song worked its way to the top of an album crowded with great songs.”
10. War Pigs – Black Sabbath

“Think about when this was written. 1969. When the world thought love and peace would save all. Then came Black Sabbath to tell us all that it is not all daisys and rainbows out there and politicians of all kinds are evil. By far the greatest metal song of all time. It seriously changed the sound of music.”
9. Enter Sandman – Metallica

“This isn’t my fave Metallica song but it’s certainly the best on this list. The way it builds up every time before the chorus makes it one of the most legendary songs ever. In my op the best Metallica song is “The Frayed Ends of Sanity” and if u haven’t heard it, u have no idea what your missing. I think the name gives away wut it’s like. It’s literally the most hard, beast Metallica song ever made with a super good guitar solo.”
8. Iron Man – Black Sabbath

“Formed in the late 60s, Black Sabbath is considered by many metal fans to be the end-all, be-all of the genre. Throughout the 70s, the band pioneered the new heavy metal sound, which was characterized by fantasy and occult lyrics and heavy guitar-fueled riffs. Although the band broke up in 1978, they have played together from time to time and joined up for a well-received comeback album in 2013.”
7. The Trooper – Iron Maiden

“While “Number of the Beast” may be one of the best heavy metal songs of all time, the intense guitar work and “ohhhh whoaaaa ohhhh” chorus puts “The Trooper” above all others in the group’s hallowed discography. It’s very dangerous to listen to this song while driving. It moves the hell out of you.”
6. Paranoid – Black Sabbath

“Black Sabbath are the pioneers of metal and should be respected that way. Paranoid is an iconic song; it should be higher on this list. I think Black Sabbath and Judas Priest are on the same playing field since they came out around the same time. Paranoid is ORIGINAL metal.”
5. Painkiller – Judas Priest

“Clearly written and performed by metal geniuses. A straight forward kick you in your face song that is full of everything that makes metal great. The skill and speed of both the drummer and the guitarist is simply amazing!”
4. One – Metallica

“One” basically encapsulates every notable subgenre of metal. The more melodic parts in the opening are based on more ballad based metal songs on the softer side. The chorus with its distortion sounds a lot like sludge metal. The bridge of “Darkness! Imprisoning me! ” is almost a precursor of alternative, nu, and even rap metal, and the machine-gun riff is very reminiscent of groove metal. The final two minute solo is pure thrash and speed metal goodness. And with its various parts and musical sections, the song has a strucure reminiscent of progressive metal. “One” is not just a legendary metal song. It’s the entire genre encapsulated in seven in a half minutes.”
3. Holy Wars…The Punishment Due – Megadeth

“This song alone stands like two pillars of thrash metal. This song is somehow both melodic, heavy, and fast at the same time. Dave’s aggression fueled solo perfectly compliments Marty’s virtuosity. Not necessarily my favorite metal song but it is the best hands down if that makes any sense.”
2. Hallowed Be Thy Name – Iron Maiden

“This is truly the pinnacle of metal. Hallowed be thy Name has so much meaning and so many emotions flowing through it that, even when the lyrics stop, you’re painted a vivid picture of what’s happening. Think of it this way: At the end of the song, the man’s life is flashing before his eyes when Clive Burr’s drum beat rolls along. The frantic pace of the ending is this guy panicking as he’s about to die! At least that’s how it feels to me.”
1. Master of Puppets – Metallica

“This is a song that features multiple headbangable riffs, a slow, melodic section, a powerful hook, insightful lyrics about a real issue, and a shredding, yet memorable solo. Despite being relatively extreme for its time, it had enough mass appeal to generate a buzz. It is Metallica’s signature song, and I would argue that it’s also metal’s signature song. If one metal song had to be selected to represent metal to aliens and sent into space, this would be it.”