The Best Thrash Metal Songs Of All Time Ranked
Thrash metal generally features fast tempos, low-register, complex guitar riffs, high-register guitar solos, and double bass drumming. The rhythm guitar parts are played with heavy distortion and often palm muted to create a tighter and more precise sound. Vocally, thrash metal can employ anything from melodic singing to shouted or screamed vocals. Most guitar solos are played at high speed and technically demanding, as they are usually characterized by shredding, and use advanced techniques such as sweep picking, legato phrasing, alternate picking, tremolo picking, string skipping, and two-hand tapping. Speed, pacing, and time changes also define thrash metal. Thrash tends to have an accelerating feel which may be due in large part to its aggressive drumming style. For example, drummers often use two bass drums, or a double-bass pedal to create a relentless, driving beat. Cymbal stops/chokes are often used to transition from one riff to another or to precede an acceleration in tempo. Some common characteristics of the genre are fast guitar riffs with aggressive picking styles and fast guitar solos, and extensive use of two bass drums as opposed to the conventional use of only one, typical of most rock music.
Don’t miss out on the harmony of the thrash metal music! Click and enjoy most popular songs from different bands!
15. Creeping Death – Metallica

“This just may be the most awesome song to see preformed live. Just see the cunning stunts video. James Hetfield DOMINATES the stage every time he’s on it and Kirk’s solo and out to give me chills. Jason was also awesome live, super intense!”
14. Over the Wall – Testament

“This is one of the best thrash metal songs ever recorded, everything about it is amazing! Awesome chorus and great guitar. One of testament’s best. Dark, heavy, aggressive, scary, dark, all those good words that define this song.”
13. For Whom the Bell Tolls – Metallica

“Not necessarily thrash, but still fantastic. The heavily distorted bassline, gruff vocals and intensity are great as are the lyrics which are very punchy and sometimes quite subtle. One of the songs that brings me to metal, and years later to bass guitar.”
12. Caught in a Mosh – Anthrax

“This has to be the most invigorating metal song ever made. Who needs coffee when you have Caught in a Mosh? The lyrics are badass along with the drums and this is the best let your anger out song EVER!”
11. Ride the Lightning – Metallica

“Ride The Lightning is also really great despite the fact that it feels more like a heavy metal song more than a thrash metal song. The guitar sounds extremely ominous and fast and so the drums. James’ vocals are okay, they’re nothing too special to be honest.”
10. Alison Hell – Annihilator

“Alison Hell is one of the most underrated thrash metal songs ever and Annihilator is amazing! Great track, so progressive and creepy! Jeff Waters is beast. Annihilator is one of the best Canadian thrash metal bands.”
9. Peace Sells – Megadeth

“Backed by a viscious bassline, and featuring politically charged lyrics from Dave “The General” Mustaine, Megadeth’s heads-down “Peace Sells” added fuel to the rising thrash scene back in ’86. From out of the Metallica frying pan, and into the fire leading the lean ‘n’ mean Megadeth machine, there was no holding back Mustaine’s aggressive stance. The title track from Megadeth’s second studio LP was inspired by an article snarlin’ Dave read in _Reader’s Digest_ magazine. Entrenched as one of the “Big Four”, Megadeth never looked back once “Peace Sells” rattled the heads of the crazed, black-clad mosh pit masses.”
8. Hangar 18 – Megadeth

“The battering Hanger 18 (Capitol Records/1991), culled from the Mike Clink produced Rust in Peace LP is a classic Megadeth cut. Killer power riffing and Dave Mustaine’s ever-present snarling vocals propel the bombastic, show-of-force cut that was penned by General Mustaine and bassist David Ellefson.”
7. Fade to Black – Metallica

“Fade to Black is not really a song you can find your happy place with. As it’s a song about wanting to die and thinking that your life isn’t worth living. Nevertheless it’s still a banger! The guitar is really fitting with the music and so is the drums and James’ vocals are surprisingly good here.”
6. Tornado of Souls – Megadeth

“The solo is just amazing, it leaves you breathless. Truly a masterpiece. Nothing but goodness. Awe-inducing, expertly crafted song with a lot of feeling embedded to it. Just listening to each track on the Rust in Peace album confirms that Marty Friedman is nothing short of a Guitar God.”
5. One – Metallica

“So epic… It is just that the creativity that went into the song with the war themes and the epic chorus as made the song have an emotional punch that is hard to ignore, and whenever I listen to it, it is difficult to think about anything else. The song is that original and impressive for that effect to occur”
4. Angel of Death – Slayer

“Brutal, Fast, Aggresive, Dark. Everything that defines Thrash Metal is in this song. Outstanding vocals, amazing drum work, has one of the greatest (And in my opinion, the greatest) twin-guitar solos ever. I really advise people who haven’t heard this song to check it out. Won’t be wasting your time.”
3. Raining Blood – Slayer

“This is the song that gave rise to what would become the extreme heavy metal genres. Say all you want about Metallica but few bands have had the same influence on heavy metal as Slayer and this song! Without Slayer there would be no death metal, grind core or anything else of the like.”
2. Master of Puppets – Metallica

“The title track of this song is possibly the most popular song of thrash metal, and rightfully so. The guitars on this song keep blaring this iconic riff that is engrained in each metalhead’s brain. The vocals are carrying on the same angering tone from the first track, with lyrics describing struggles with drugs and what it has on a person. The slow portion on the song is a great mellow piece, but the solo is even greater.”
1. Holy Wars…The Punishment Due – Megadeth

“Easily the most recognizable thrash song amongst people who truly love thrash. Could easily be the defining song of the genre. Intricate rhythm, blazing leads, memorable bass line and lyrical meaning. That speed and guitar work by Mustaine and Friedman, the blistering solos and the vocals make this the best thrash metal song ever!”
Very well presented. Every quote was awesome and thanks for sharing the content. Keep sharing and keep motivating others.