The Gap Band Songs Ranked
The Gap Band was an American R&B and funk band that rose to fame during the 1970s and 1980s. The band consisted of three brothers Charlie, Ronnie, and Robert Wilson; and it was named after streets (Greenwood, Archer, and Pine) in the historic Greenwood neighborhood in the brothers’ hometown of Tulsa, Oklahoma. After 43 years together, they retired in 2010. Here are all of The Gap Band songs ranked.
Don’t miss out on The Gap Band music below! Click to experience the Wilson brothers at their finest!
12. Sweeter Than Candy (Straight From The Heart, 1988)
“Picked this one up on a whim, knowing I heard the chorus to this song somewhere before. This song is awesome, and I’m more than glad I picked it up. This is one catchy little song that is bound to get people up and dancing.”
11. All of My Love (Round Trip, 1989)
“The Gap Band made some brilliant records in the early 80’s when, in the right mood, they funked as hard as anyone else around while never forgetting to add humour into the mix.”
10. Steppin’ Out (The Gap Band II, 1979)
“As a fan of the funk genre, I recognize and appreciate the role the Gap Band played in assimilating (then) modern aesthetic into the funk canon.”

9. Party Train (Gap Band V: Jammin’, 1983)
“Their hard funk songs were getting a bit formulaic at this point, but that’s not a problem when the formula was so spot-on. The lyrics are a little worse here – it’s basically “People Get Ready” but with partying replacing spiritual fulfillment – but they still get your butt moving in ways you might not know it could.”
See more: The Gap Band Albums Ranked
8. Shake (Gap Band I, 1979)
“The Gap Bank has always been one of my favorite music groups their style is like no other group when it comes to funk music. Great dance music makes you want to SHAKE! Shake your booty”
7. Humpin’ (The Gap Band III, 1980)
“Must admit, the farther out there the Gap Band went, the more I liked them. Here they’re certainly a long way from Kansas with this simple, repetitive but riotous dance track with Charlie Wilson making like Flipper all over the place one more time.”

6. Oops Upside Your Head (The Gap Band II, 1979)
“‘Oops Upside Your Head’ remains completely hatstand with the vocalist appearing to have just been released from a secure institution. Complete with a rude rendition of the nursery rhyme ‘Jack and Jill’, ‘Oops’ not only hit the top 10 in 1980, but returned to the chart years later and was sampled by 808 State in the 90s for a project with Bjork.”
See more: The Band Albums Ranked
5. Burn Rubber On Me (The Gap Band III, 1980)
“The amazing thing is how little it matters. From the opening motor revs, this songs hits all the highs of 80s funk. The killer bassline, the awesome drums, the gleefully tough-to-decipher but fun-to-sing lyrics (“Are you serious? I’m just curious.”), even the fake-growl vocals at the end. Put this record on, and Karnie is in funk heaven until it fades out.”
4. Yearning for Your Love (The Gap Band III, 1980)
“I must admit I prefer the Gap Band when they put the pedal to the metal, so to speak, but you can’t fill a whole album with uptempo dance material, more’s the pity. Here they turn in a pleasant E W & F-style ballad completely with sappy title and lyric.”

3. Outstanding (Gap Band IV, 1982)
“The title here reminds me of the joke where a guy asks a farmer which is the best cow in his herd. The farmer points to one all alone far out in the countryside. “That one?” queries the guy. “Yes” said the farmer, “It’s outstanding in its field”. Not that this song by the Gap Band quite lives up to its title, but it is above average as pop-soul singles go.”
2. Early in the Morning (Gap Band IV, 1982)
“Only the Gap Band would start a song called “Early In The Morning” with a rooster crowing and I guarantee the smile on your face won’t stop there. This is four plus minutes of the toughest funk with moog bass, ringing guitar, driving drums all ringing alarm bells plus of course Charlie Wilson’s exuberant vocal telling us just why he has to be up with the lark.”
1. You Dropped a Bomb on Me (Gap Band IV, 1982)
“The best thing to come out of “the death of disco” around 1980 was the sudden return of funk in the early 80s. The Gap Band managed to combine funk with the other Big Thing in 1980 – synths and synthesized beats – to create some of the best synth funk ever made. Some of the lyrics are nearly indecipherable, and those that aren’t are mildly bewildering – “you were the first explosion/turned out to be corrosion”? But with music this funky backing it up, I yelp along regardless.”