As I Lay Dying Songs Ranked
As I Lay Dying is an American metalcore band from San Diego, California. Founded in 2000 by vocalist Tim Lambesis, the band’s first full lineup (including Lambesis’ Point of Recognition bandmate Jordan Mancino) was completed in 2001. The band has released seven albums, one split album, and two compilation albums. In 2018, Lambesis reunited with Hipa, Sgrosso, Mancino, and Gilbert. On June 8, 2018, the band released the song “My Own Grave”, their first recording in six years. They released their seventh studio album, Shaped by Fire, on September 20, 2019. Here are all of As I Lay Dying songs ranked.
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20. Reinvention (As I Lay Dying / American Tragedy, 2002)
“The lyrics are brilliant, the guitars are awesome, and, despite not having a chorus, or perhaps because of it, it has never gotten old to me. No matter how many times I listen to it, I am always up for listening to it again. I never get sick of it.”
19. No Lungs to Breathe (Awakened, 2012)
“The guitar riffs are amazing. It is exciting and it should be rated higher than this. A fast tempo and gut wrenching bass guitar beats. The screaming is excellent as always.”
18. Within Destruction (An Ocean Between Us, 2007)
“Come on guys this rocks. riffs and lyrics, everything. if I had to choose which is the best As I Lay Dying song, I would choose this but with big difficulty. As I Lay Dying rocks”

17. My Own Grave (Shaped By Fire, 2019)
“This is the most straightforward song this band has ever written. It’s about Tim accepting full responsibility for everything he did that triggered his imprisonment, the band’s hiatus, and the trauma he caused everyone as a result of his selfish actions, despite that he believed he was on the cusp of crafting an empire with his band.”
See more: As I Lay Dying Albums Ranked
16. Condemned (The Powerless Rise, 2010)
“I don’t think this necessarily must be interpreted through the lens of abortion. It could also be speaking about those suffering outside of our “ties of blood” here in America. For example, those who “will never share our blood” might also be people suffering in the third world. The many millions suffering from starvation and war in other countries are indeed “trapped by obscurity” as so few seem to truly care about and identify with their struggle. This interpretation also seems to fit better with the themes of the album as a whole.”
15. Forever (As I Lay Dying / American Tragedy, 2002)
“The guitar parts are amazing to listen to… the vocals are spine tingling and the depth of the song and the meaning in heart crushing. Amazing song for those who are going through some love problems and for fans who just love an amazing metal song!”

14. Forsaken (An Ocean Between Us, 2007)
“This song gives me chills. Probably my favorite drum fills in metal, and they follow it up with one of my favorite metal riffs. Easily their most powerful song musically.”
13. Defender (Awakened, 2012)
“It is an amazing song. I could listen to this for hours without getting bored. The guitar and vocals are absolutely awesome. Never gets old! I’ve listened to this song hundreds of times and it is still the best song ever!”
12. Overcome (Awakened, 2012)
“Honestly, As I Lay Dying hasn’t really produced a bad song, and dozens of their tracks could contend for the top spot. Although this is true, ‘Overcome’ really showcases their true potential. The instrumentation is top notch, and the vocals, both clean and unclean really stand out. Everything about the song, down to the dying seconds, deserves every part of the top spot. A cracker of a song/band.”

11. Wrath Upon Ourselves (An Ocean Between Us, 2007)
“The intro is so powerful and has a ton of energy. Everything is so amazing. I can listen to it 10 times in a row and still love it. This is an awesome song, powerful and awesome drumming, brilliant song.
10. An Ocean Between Us (An Ocean Between Us, 2007)
“I think this song is about how he and the band feels about how there goals and the goals of other bands/people differ. Its about what really matters in life. He feels like there is an ocean between him and the other people /bands in terms of meaning and purpose.”
9. Paralyzed (Decas, 2011)
“The guitars, in the beginning, are totally epic, and the lyrics are awesome all the way through! The intro is the best intro of As I Lay Dying if not in all of the metalcore.”

8. The Darkest Nights (Shadows Are Security, 2005)
“Clean chorus is so amazing, and the riff is so melodic. They are my favorite metalcore band of all time, and this song is great because they give it a really great feeling!”
7. Anger and Apathy (The Powerless Rise, 2010)
“This song changed my life. It challenged me to look at myself and be better, not just for the betterment of self but for the benefit of all mankind. Every song on The Powerless Rise stripped away something that you thought defined you – exposing who you really are underneath, and none do this more than Anger and Apathy.”
See more: Seether Albums Ranked
6. Confined (Shadows Are Security, 2005)
“This song might be about the fact that we live a meaningless life. Everything makes sense to us but “urgency spoke her lies”, so if we take the time to think about it, everything we do is meaningless and senseless.”

5. Anodyne Sea (The Powerless Rise, 2010)
“I don’t really think the song needs to be broken down verse by verse. As a whole it is describing the trials and tribulations of being Christian. Especially, among the metal community these guys get a lot of grief for not being ashamed of their faith. I think this song is them letting the persecutors know that they are not afraid to “walk alone”.
4. Through Struggle (Shadows Are Security, 2005)
“I think there is more than JUST being deceived about love. I think it is about how the world wants to take each individual and conform him into a robot with gears that turn to make emotions and assembled thoughts. Only through struggle are we able to break this mold and have the machine in our chest removed. I believe this song is addressing humanity as a whole and not just Christians since we aren’t the only ones that can fall into an almost robotic mold.”
3. Nothing Left (An Ocean Between Us, 2007)
“This song is basically slapping you in the face saying you need to see what horrible people we have become, where we shun others who are different from us, instead of treating them like a normal human being. And the “nothing left” part of this song is saying that there is hardly any faith left in god and people believe they are alone and fragile in this world. And because they see others who do still have faith in god they portray them as monsters that should be executed or banished. And because we are at that point where we judge on every aspect of a human that is different from us, we have become angry and hateful beings. We’ve become to grow more corrupt and more hateful. And only those who still believe in god do not grow corrupt, but learn to rise above the hate and become peaceful.”

2. Parallels (The Powerless Rise, 2010)
“The guitar, the drumming, the vocal cracked my heart. I should sue as I lay dying for this… They deserve punishment for making tears fill my eyes. Very melodic… Josh’s voice cracked my nuts when he sang the chorus. Tim’s screaming gave me a soul. The guitar work is great! Good job Nick and Phil.”
1. The Sound of Truth (An Ocean Between Us, 2007)
“As I lay dying has so many good songs but this one takes it because of the lyrics. I mean such a powerful meaning to go along with such a powerful sound. Best intro riff of all time. Unlike most metal songs, the lyrics are very profound. I didn’t even know these guys were a Christian band until just recently.”