Brave New World Songs Ranked
Brave New World is the third album by American rock band Steve Miller Band, released in 1969. It is the band’s first album following the departure of founding members Boz Scaggs and Jim Peterman, with Ben Sidran replacing Peterman on keyboards. The track “My Dark Hour” featured Paul McCartney (credited as “Paul Ramon”) on backing vocals, drums, guitar and bass guitar, and he performed additional backing vocals on “Celebration Song”. “My Dark Hour” was recorded in a late-night session on May 9, 1969 after an acrimonious argument between McCartney, John Lennon, George Harrison and Ringo Starr over signing a contract appointing Allen Klein as The Beatles’ financial manager. Lennon, Harrison and Starr walked out, while McCartney remained at Olympic Studios. Miller was the only member of the band to attend the session, and the song emerged from him and McCartney jamming. Here are all of Brave New World’s songs ranked.
Relive the music of one of the most notable rock and roll bands. Click below and listen to the songs of the Steve Miller Band.
9. Kow Kow
“This is a slow paced composition that is slightly tuneful. The piece starts out quietly, but then later on becomes loud and raucous. Three chords provide a descending motif, and this motif is repeated over and over and over and over. At 1 min, 50 sec, the descending motif stops and is replaced with a single continuous chord, while the vocal part chants, “Turn on your love light, turn it on.”
8. Got Love ‘Cause You Need It
“This starts with wailings from the harmonica and a spoken recitative. At 50 seconds, the electric organ joins the frenzy. At 65 seconds, the lead guitar cuts forth with a 15 second cadenza. Then the vocal recitative resumes and, after that, the harmonica provides a cadenza of its own.”

7. My Dark Hour
“This is another stadium rock number. It has a guitar riff that is similar to that in FLY LIKE AN EAGLE. The vocals take the form of blues screaming. The bass line is lively and catchy, and the bass and drum kit work well together. There is a descending guitar motif, accompanying the words, “My dark hour.”
See more: Steve Miller Band Albums Ranked
6. Got Love ‘Cause You Need It
“This starts with wailings from the harmonica and a spoken recitative. At 50 seconds, the electric organ joins the frenzy. At 65 seconds, the lead guitar cuts forth with a 15 second cadenza. Then the vocal recitative resumes and, after that, the harmonica provides a cadenza of its own.”

5. LT’s Midnight Dream
“This is an acoustic song with slide guitar (or perhaps it is dobro). The voice chants, “I’ve been in one place too long, with my roots in solid air, and I’m gone, gone, solid gone.” A background chorus provides a lush accompaniment. I wish I knew how to pigeon-hole this song. I wish I knew the genre where this song fits.”
4. Can’t You Hear Your Daddy’s Heartbeat
“This is a fast-moving stadium rock piece, configured to win the affection of thousands of pimple faced teenaged boys (and girls). The loud guitar adds tasteful licks throughout.”
See more: Steve Miller Band Songs Ranked

4. Space Cowboy
“This is a fast-paced rocker, with a bass line similar to that of LADY MADONNA by The Fab Four. The vocal is a group effort, where all the men chant the lyrics in unison. The middle section occurs in the time frame of 48 seconds to 85 seconds, and this includes all of the following things”
3. Celebration Song
“The vocal background goes, “Sha-la, sha-la, la, la, la, la, laaaaa!” This vocal motif is repeated a few times in this composition. The drum kit is prominent and the bass line plays a hook that is prominent and attractive. The piece ends on a clever motif, consisting of a short blast consisting of voice and instruments that is on a key that is different from the rest of the song.”
2. Seasons
“This is a moderate paced tune with a tuneful chord structure, perhaps resembling a church hymn. The song is more like a fragment of a song, because there is not much development. SEASONS is more like an atmospheric piece than a typical song.”
1. Brave New World
“This starts with the sound of a jet blast, lasting about 20 seconds, then there is a very simple guitar motif consisting of four ascending notes. Please note that there is nothing wrong with simple motifs. Beethoven’s PIANO CONCERTO No.3 starts out with a very simple motif.”