Cannibal Corpse Songs Ranked
Cannibal Corpse is an American death metal band from Buffalo, New York. Formed in December 1988, the band has released fourteen studio albums, two box sets, four video albums, and two live albums. The band has had little radio or television exposure throughout its career, although a cult following began to build after the release of the 1991 album Butchered at Birth and 1992 album Tomb of the Mutilated. As of 2015, they achieved worldwide sales of two million units for combined sales of all their albums, making them the top-selling death metal band of all time. Here are all of the Cannibal Corpse s0ngs ranked.
Don’t miss out on the TIMELESS Cannibal Corpse albums below! Click and enjoy the evolution of their music.
20. Disfigured (Vile, 1996)
“A straight forward song with amazing vocals. It stays loyal to the intro riff through the song. Easily their best and most powerful song!”
19. The Cryptic Stench (Tomb of the Mutilated, 1992)
“The guitar work on this song is so beautiful Pat kicks so much ass here. It’s so brutal and technical, the length is correct and the solo guitar is just perfect.”
18. Encased in Concrete (Torture, 2012)
“Good song. Good riff towards the end. I’m a sucker for the simplest stuff. Its not over used in the song, and one looks forward to it. True fans know!”

17. Devoured by Vermin (Vile, 1996)
“This is one of the most off killer, unique songs in the genre. It sounds so atypical from the rest of the album; it has almost like a Halloween vibe.”
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See more: Cannibal Corpse Albums Ranked
16. A Skull Full of Maggots (Eaten Back to Life, 1990)
“Highly underrated song the bass and drums are played to perfection and the guitar has such a unique tone to it the main riff is so different from any of their other songs and the verse is so technical its an incredibly fun song for me and my band to play when we practice”
15. Addicted to Vaginal Skin (Tomb of the Mutilated, 1992)
“The main riff is the coolest ever! Tomb of the Mutilated is their best album. This is death metal! Beautiful technical lines, lyrics make things better”

14. Kill or Become (A Skeletal Domain, 2014)
“This song is definitely one of their best, even if it’s a bit more recent. It has such a slow and heavy riff, it’s one of their most brutal sounding songs.”
13. Scourge of Iron (Torture, 2012)
“So different than a lot of Cannibal’s past work and I feel like that makes it stand out. It takes a break from the epic speed and craziness of their usual work. Instead they made a CRUSHING death groove of a song and it SLAYS! Should definitely be rated higher!”
12. No Remorse (Gore Obsessed, 2002)
“Nice riff… Corpsegrinder have grinded it to the beats… Amazing rhythm all over. Metallica will be proud to see this!”

11. Frantic Disembowelment (The Wretched Spawn, 2004)
“Their most technical song to date… But still fast and heavy. BEST! I still think this is the most aggressive music I’ve heard until today.”
10. Sentenced to Burn (Gallery of Suicide, 1998)
“Fantastic Song, really catchy beat, amazing guitar playing, intense drumming, very good vocals, definitely one of cannibal corpse’s best songs without a doubt.”
9. Necropedophile (Tomb of the Mutilated, 1992)
“Their most underrated song. Necropedophile to me is everything death metal should be. This song used to make my stomach turn. Then I grew a pair.”

8. Pit of Zombies (Gore Obsessed, 2002)
“This song epitomizes what cannibal corpse is all about. Great guitar work. Awesome Lyrics. Drums pounding away. You would have to try hard not to like this song.”
7. Meat Hook Sodomy (Butchered at Birth, 1991)
“Intro to this song is freaky as hell. that’s why its one of my favorites. It has to be their best because if you hear his voice it sounds like he’s about to die. It’s so brutal.”
See more: Rammstein Albums Ranked
6. Fucked With a Knife (The Bleeding, 1994)
“From the Bleeding album of 1994, a staple of Cannibal, mainly for the title. It is however much much more, and demonstrates the evolution of the band. The Bleeding being the 4th album, demonstrates a much more refined quality sound that the first three. The riffing on this album and this song puts the first 3 albums into the “first three albums” category.”

5. Evisceration Plague (Evisceration Plague, 2009)
“This song is absolutely incredible, everything about it, the guitar riff, the drum beats. Even the lyrics are very clear and brutal. Love this song.”
4. Stripped, Raped and Strangled (The Bleeding, 1994)
“The best Corpse song! From the lyrics to the riffs to the transitions, it’s their masterpiece! “She was so beautiful… I had to kill her! ” “I come alive in the darkness! ” Fantastic! Barnes at his finest!”
3. I Cum Blood (Tomb of the Mutilated, 1992)
“I usually try to be open-minded when listening to extreme metal, but this song is just…no. I’m sorry, but it’s trash. I can’t find a single redeeming quality about it and those lyrics made me sick to the stomach. I can’t believe this band has fans.”

2. Make Them Suffer (Kill, 2006)
“Pure Savagery. Unleashing the Bloodthirsty needs to be on this list though. This is their best song… And I think most brutal. Hammer smashed face is great song too.”
1. Hammer Smashed Face (Tomb of the Mutilated, 1992)
“The rhythmic start followed by the blast beats and gore just blows your head off. This song is awesome. Just think of the labour these guys have put up! The recipe for a great Death Metal song is a mix of catchiness and brutality and that’s never more evident than in Hammer Smashed Face “