Crowded House Songs Ranked
Crowded House is a rock band, formed in Melbourne, Australia, in 1985. Its founding members were New Zealander Neil Finn (vocalist, guitarist, primary songwriter) and Australians Paul Hester (drums), and Nick Seymour (bass). Later band members included Neil Finn’s brother, Tim Finn, and Americans Mark Hart and Matt Sherrod. Neil Finn and Seymour have been the sole constant members of the group since its formation. After several years of inactivity, it was announced a revised line-up of Crowded House would tour the UK in 2020. The new line-up features Neil Finn, Nick Seymour, Mitchell Froom, and Finn’s sons Liam and Elroy. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the band’s planned 2020 concerts have had to be rescheduled to 2021. Here are all of Crowded House songs ranked.
Don’t miss out on the LEGENDARY Crowded House music below! Click to experience the charisma of this Australian band!
20. Silent House (Time on Earth, 2007)
“It’s about losing people -probably parents or other close family members, as the band members are of an age where this happens and the opening verse is “These walls; have eyes; Rows of photographs; And faces like mine ” – through dementia/alzheimer’s and that sort of thing.”
19. Fingers of Love (Together Alone, 1993)
“Chills. Every time. I’ve grown up with Crowded House and I think there’s something to be said when you cannot get sick of a band or their songs after 15+ years? Also that this song can give me chills when I’ve heard it absolutely hundreds of times. Neil Finn has an incredible song writing ability…Love them”
18. Mean to Me (Crowded House, 1986)
“The thing I really love about this song is the double meaning of ‘mean’. The rest of the song seems to be constructed around flipping the meaning of ‘mean’ from ‘nasty’ to ‘understanding’ in the chorus.”

17.Kare Kare (Together Alone, 1993)
“Kare Kare” gets the album off to a beautiful start, immediately setting the tone. It’s amazing listening to that bassline that Nick Seymour is weaving throughout it. Most bassists would never be able to play something with so much space, feeling, movement and groove. New full time member Mark Hart adds some beautiful textures, and adds a lot to the overall sound of the band.”
16. Private Universe (Together Alone, 1993)
“Private Universe” is absolutely divine and relaxing, and some of the most pleasant sounding music you are ever likely to come across.”
15. Whispers and Moans (Temple of Low Men, 1988)
“A song from the Woodface album that I originally hated when I first heard the album as a teenager, now it morphed into one of my favorite Crowded House songs”

14. Into Temptation (Temple of Low Men, 1988)
“”The guilty get no sleep…” I love that part. Probably doesn’t mean much to people who don’t mind getting laid by anything on legs, but for any one else, it kind of epitomizes the struggle between what we want and doing what we feel is right.”
13. Four Seasons In One Day (Woodface, 1991)
“I think it’s about life’s ups and downs and how you mood can change (like the seasons). It think the song focuses on the downs mainly. “Smiling as the shit comes down” is one of my favourite lines ever.”

12. It’s Only Natural (Woodface, 1991)
“I think its about a couple who have hit hard times and one of them (the female possibly) no longer feels the same about the other. I think the song is about how the man feels and is made to feel by his ex-girlfriend.”
See more: Crowded House Albums Ranked
11. World Where You Live (Crowded House, 1986)
“Incredible there is such a lack of thoughts on this masterpiece. To me it feels like a relationship based purely on sex with no commitment. There is a slight feel of security in between them though.”
10. Now We’re Getting Somewhere (Crowded House, 1986)
“I remember when I was in grammar school, and this song came out. I heard one of their mini concerts on the radio one night, and I fell in love with this song. They sound just as good live, as well as on the album”

9. Instinct (Gold, 2014)
“I think this song is about drug use, but something more than smoking pot: it’s about being addicted to, and smoking, heroin. “Monster” is far too sinister a term for pot, and the comment “Felt the burden (the monkey) lifting from my back” tells me that when the smoke hits, the “jonesing” that’s felt by not using for a while goes away. I also think the phrase “Laughing at the stony face of gloom” is too dark for just pot. Much more to this than smoking a joint. The whole thing: “your turn comes ’round”, “feel your attraction again”, etc., has to be about hard core addiction. Great melody, great lyrics, great song.”
8. Locked Out (Reality Bites, 1994)
“Neil wrote this after he read a Peter Carey novel I think That sounds really stupid, but I think it’s true, I’m trying to remember where I read that”
7. Distant Sun (Together Alone, 1993)
“I always thought it was “Wise enough to carry the scars without and pain, there’s no one to blame.” Funny, that line as I heard it has been such an inspiration to me throughout my life to take responsibility for my own failures and not show that they hurt me in any way. I will continue to sing the song the way I heard it because it means so much to me.”

6. In My Command (Together Alone, 1993)
“Addiction? Love? Taking control of oneself? Wanting someone else by helping them? A song from the “Together Alone” album that is ridiculously under rated.”
See more: Dave Matthews Band Albums Ranked
5. Something So Strong (Crowded House, 1986)
“Flat-out beautiful song from these Aussies. Provincialism is moot when you can make everything in the world right again, even for a short three or four minutes, simply by spinning a record.”
4. Fall at Your Feet (Woodface, 1991)
“This really is a brilliant song which i have listened to over and over again. I think its about a man trying to comfort a woman (cause her man cheated on her, she is in pain). And then “the finger of blame has turned upon itself”. They make the same mistake.”

3. Better Be Home Soon (Temple of Low Men, 1988)
“I think that this song is saying sorry. It is a story kinda, and he is saying that he knows that he hasn’t been honest “striping back the coats of lies and deceiption” And the husband and wife are now seperated, but he is saying, come home, it is his way of saying “I love you”
2. Weather with You (Woodface, 1991)
“This is one of my all time favourite songs. To me the song is about a sad lover that says every time his woman leaves him she takes the away his happiness with her. Maybe he refers to taking the weather as when she’s with him there’s sun shine (Happiness), when she leaves there’s rain (Pain). How’s that for an interpretation”
1. Don’t Dream It’s Over (Crowded House, 1986)
“This song actually has a breezy, carefree undertone to it. Throughout the song, the singer assumes a seemingly protective/senior role that is almost fatherly, telling “the Lover” to not be put down by all the adversities and trials in life. He calls out to her “Hey now, hey now” as if he is comforting her, and finally tells her the primary message of the song – “Don’t dream it’s over”; no matter how bad things get, to always stay positive and not lose her dreams.”