Seether Songs Ranked
Seether is a South African hard rock band founded in 1999 in Pretoria, Gauteng. The band originally performed under the name Saron Gas until 2002, when they moved to the United States and changed it to Seether to avoid confusion with the deadly chemical known as sarin gas. Seether gained mainstream popularity in 2002 with their US Active Rock number-one single “Fine Again”. Their success was sustained in 2004 with the single “Broken”, which peaked at number 20 on the Billboard Hot 100. They have experienced continued success with number one hits on the Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks chart, such as “Remedy”, “Fake It”, “Country Song”, “Words as Weapons”, and “Let You Down”. The band currently consists of lead vocalist/guitarist Shaun Morgan, bassist Dale Stewart, drummer John Humphrey, and guitarist Corey Lowery. Seether has undergone several changes since its formation in 1999, with vocalist/guitarist Shaun Morgan and bassist/vocalist Dale Stewart, being the only constant members while John Humphrey has been their longtime drummer since joining the band in 2003. Here are all Seether songs ranked.
Don’t miss out on the talented Seether music below! Click to experience the power of Hard Rock!
20. Weak (Seether, 2013)
“I love mellow hard rock and this is it and this immediately became one of my favorites. Music is great and the lyrics it home. If you like the group you will like this song.”
19. Same Damn Life (Isolate and Medicate, 2014)
“One of my favorite seethe songs. it sounds older and the vocals are amazing. lyrics are great and you never get bored because its not very repetitive. in the song they sound a lot like the red hot chili peppers which is one of the greatest bands of all time.”
18. Truth (Karma and Effect, 2005)
“Best song of the band seether. I like this song more than any song of seether. Love the lyrics of this song. Can’t even believe this one is so left behind. Definitely one of their best, it has great lyrics and a polished grunge sound with an alternative metal chorus”

17. Because of Me (Karma and Effect, 2005)
“Because of Me is a chunky slice of nu-metal inspired chunkiness, Remedy is a killer hit single whcih has stayed on mp mp3 player for YEARS. The rest of the album is less impressive, (although Burrito and the Gift are worth a look) but it’s still better than the weakness that prevails in the emo, metalcore and indie scenes these days…”
See more: Seether Albums Ranked
16. Here and Now (Holding Onto Strings Better Left to Fray, 2011)
“I don’t know why but this song reaches out to me and makes me think of all the things I want to do with my life and makes me wanna move forward… I think this song is just as good or maybe even better than Country Song. It has such a great melody to it.”
15. Nobody Praying for Me (Isolate and Medicate, 2014)
“I don’t think this song is bad. I find it very fun to sing honestly. I also like how the lyrics R. It must have taken some good time to think of lyrics that go so well together. Honestly, this song should be given at least better attention. Right?”

14. Driven Under (Fragile, 2000)
“Seether’s best song without question. I can listen to this on repeat for hours without it getting old. Music video for this is great too! This song deserves higher place, one of the best lyrics, love it”
13. The Gift (Karma and Effect, 2005)
“Very good song. One of the best, besides broken. His is like a sad love song, where he is afraid of her loving him (the gift) and that he doesn’t accept himself and he doesn’t feel like he deserves the gift.”
12. Like Suicide (Finding Beauty in Negative Spaces, 2007)
“This has one of THE best melodies of seether. Deep and addicting-boring would be the extreme opposite adjective used to describe this song. Its also quite meaningful. look it up!”

11. Gasoline (Fragile, 2000)
“This has the gritty, angry seether, which is a much better seether than the slowed down nirvana-like sounding Seether. One of their best songs ever! I love singing it whenever I’m angry or just want something good to hear”
10. Tonight (Holding Onto Strings Better Left to Fray, 2011)
“Optimistic and energetic, I was very surprised to see this wasn’t near the top of the list! I heard this song on Pandora and began combing the net to find out how sang it, what other songs they had, etc. This is one of the most inspiring songs I’ve heard in quite a long time!”
9. Words as Weapons (Isolate and Medicate, 2014)
“Yeah this isolate and medicate CD, I think is there best yet. And this song is the best one on it. If you think broken is better then this one, well, you must still be heartbroken or something. This is seether at there best”

8. Breakdown (Finding Beauty in Negative Spaces, 2007)
“This song is just so strong. It holds some kind of power that makes me feels feelings I’ve never felt before. I can relate my life with this song. And I love Shaun’s voice and emotion in this song.”
7. Rise Above This (Finding Beauty in Negative Spaces, 2007)
“It gives me goosebumps every time I hear it. If you watch the video and see the true pain in his eyes you know how important this song really is. Not just the best Seether song but one of my favorite songs period!”
See more: Default Albums Ranked
6. Country Song (Holding Onto Strings Better Left to Fray, 2011)
“This song really makes you feel wow.. Hear this song and I can bet you won’t be able to put your feet down. Love this song! I can feel the emotion. It was the first song I heard by seether and I’m now hooked!”

5. Careless Whisper (Finding Beauty in Negative Spaces, 2007)
“Even though this is just a cover, Shaun’s awesome vocals and Troy’s mind-blowing guitarwork alongside Dale & John’s excellent bass and drums make this a total favourite of mine!”
4. Fine Again (Fragile, 2000)
“The awesome vocals, deep lyrics, wicked guitars & drums…everything. ‘Broken’ is also one of their best but I don’t think it should be at the top. ‘Fine Again’ totally reflects the band. If you haven’t heard any of Seether’s before, just go for it and I’m sure you’re gonna listen to more. I kept listening to it for almost 2 hours. Just love it! One of the most favourites. I’m addicted.”
3. Remedy (Karma and Effect, 2005)
“This song was one of the very first rock songs I was introduced to that I actually had interest in and it later became my favorite song by seether as I explored the songs that seether had released so this song has a lot of meaning to me because of its significance in my history.”

2. Fake It (Finding Beauty in Negative Spaces, 2007)
“Brings back great memories from a great time in my life. I would just rock out every time I heard this song. Truly amazing song. Gets the blood pumping, surprisingly a real feel-good song. I NEVER GET BORED OF IT. Seether for life!
1. Broken (Disclaimer, 2002)
“Broken does not feature Amy Lee. Broken is an acoustic ballad by Seether that doesn’t feature anyone. And it’s great! I love Amy but the sad truth is that this song is #1 because of her, and she ruins the song. The song is about being lonesome, lonely, broken, open etc., if a woman sings it with you the emotions are ruined, the meaning is ruined, the song is ruined. Shaun himself said that was not the band’s wish, but the record company’s.”