Waking the Fallen Songs Ranked
Waking the Fallen is the second studio album by American heavy metal band Avenged Sevenfold, released on August 26, 2003, through Hopeless Records. It is the band’s first full-length album with new lead guitarist Synyster Gates and bassist Johnny Christ. The album was released as a double 12-inch gray marble vinyl in 2008 in the US. It was certified gold on July 15, 2009, even though it only sold 3,000 copies on its first week of release. As of August 2014, the album has sold over 693,000 copies in the United States. As of March 17, 2021, the album has been certified Platinum. The song “Eternal Rest” appears on Kerrang!’s “666 Songs You Must Own” and was featured on the soundtrack to the movie Saw IV (2007). Here are all of Waking the Fallen songs ranked.
Don’t miss out on the timeless Avenged Sevenfold music below! Click to experience the band at their finest!
12. Waking the Fallen
“Powerful. Captivating. Sad. Beautiful. This does not show their talent, though. This two minute song is much like “Miseria Cantare-The Beginning” off of AFI’s “Sing the Sorrow.”
11. Radiant Eclipse
“The demonish, eerie opening riff is soon acompanied by the heaviest thing ever. My mind goes crazy when I listen to this! Easily the BEST song on the album. The only setback is the dumb refrain “hope will fall tonight with broken wings.”
10. I Won’t See You Tonight, Pt. 2
“Starts off with heavy screaming, which makes a big contrast from part 1. This part is much less emotional and more along the lines of pure awesomeness. Great solo, Gates!”
9. Desecrate Through Reverence
“This song didn’t agree with me at first. It started out all well and good, and I was thoroughly enjoying it until “Don’t look my way for help, from the beginning you came to me.” At that point, I was at the “wtf,WtF?” stage. Soon after came “We don’t want your opinion!” which sent a chill down my spine. I mean, what the heck is up with that? It’s like nails on a chalkboard with a banshee singing while having her nipples eaten by pirahnas.
See more: Avenged Sevenfold Albums Ranked

8. Eternal Rest
“Definitely one of the very best songs in the history of metal. It starts with a blistering guitar solo from Gates and turns into one of the best head banging songs ever. THIS IS THE FIRST SONG OF THE HEIGHT OF THE ALBUM!”
7. Clairvoyant Disease
“A slow song. Good, but nothing compared to stuff that comes before it. Ends in a cool soft thing. I love this one. Haunting strings, great lyrics, it hath them all. The double sickening tempo transformed this song completely, the choruses, the bassline and everything makes it look great.”
6. And All Things Will End
“I have a suspicion that this is appropriate as the last track, but I’m not QUITE sure why. Anyway, this is some good stuff. “Sometimes life is altered, won’t turn out right, can’t turn out right.” This is, of course, one of the Gigantically Big 4, and it’s sweet. Listen.”
5. Remenissions
“The acoustic part in this song is just amazing. Add vocals to it and it is just pure mindblowing. Their talent has begun to be revealed! This is one great song. It has lightning-fast metal and sorrowful, acousticly-accompanied singing.”
See more: Avenged Sevenfold Songs Ranked

4. Chapter Four
“Much like “Unholy Confessions,” this does not show their true talent. Shadows’ singing is yet so far much more profoud than ever in this CD. Not as much screaming. I hate to say it, but I think he sounds better screaming. Thissong is also catchy, with a heavily sung chorus. Still, the CD has not yet begun its demon-like beauty. That is yet to come. At about four minutes into the song, they do this bend thing with the singing and do get into their true awesomeness. At this point, Gates does a great sweep-like lick! Cool!”
3. Unholy Confessions
“I loved the guitar-ish intro to this song. The growling part, I’m not so fond of. I mean, it’s good, but his growling voice isn’t abso-frickin-lutely great like his singing and scream voices. But I’m not complaining. The best part is probably the crooning, sandwiched betwixt the growling and screaming”

2. I Won’t See You Tonight, Pt. 1
“Nothing short of miraculous. This man can SING, people. No screaming or growling, just good, quality crooning. Listen and love it. You’ll have an eargasm. Mournful, woeful, but those are good qualities.”
1. Second Heartbeat
“I would give this song a ten any day if it had not been made much better the first time. This second version is a slower, (though still fast) worse version of the Fold’s best song found on a promotional CD for Hopeless Records I think is called Hoplessly Devoted to You, Volume 4.”