Frankenchrist Songs Ranked

Frankenchrist is the third album by the American hardcore punk band Dead Kennedys, released in 1985 on Alternative Tentacles. The album is an example of the progressive, psychedelic side of Dead Kennedys’ musical personality. The spaghetti western soundtrack influence is also noticeable in the horn parts and in East Bay Ray’s atmospheric guitar work. Frankenchrist is noted for its relative lack of traditionally ‘hardcore’ material. Most of the songs are slower and longer than the majority of other Dead Kennedys songs. “M.T.V. − Get off the Air” is notable for its pointed slam of the music establishment and “Stars and Stripes of Corruption” for its exegesis of vocalist Jello Biafra’s political philosophies. Here are all of Frankenchrist songs ranked.

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10. Stars and Stripes of Corruption

“Stars and stripes of corruption” may be a song which grows on me. Has bass and is a fast tempo song. Seems to be an attack on people with a holier than thou attitude to patriotism – i.e. that being a “good American” is nothing more than waving the red, white and blue flag.”

9. At My Job

“At my job” – sounded a bit Daft Punk to me-electro, rhythmic. The bored sounding melody reflecting the subject of the song-being a working stiff.”

5 Killer Cover Songs: Dead Kennedys | Lists | No Echo

8. M.T.V. – Get Off the Air

“Perhaps my favourite song from this album is “MTV-Get off the air”. It has a slow tempo intro, prominent bass guitar, and a really cute, 1950’s style backing vocal bit. Not sure, but I’m guessing that the band didn’t intend the average punk fan to like that intro, but I did. It’s a highlight of the song.”

See more: Dead Kennedys Albums Ranked

7. Jock-O-Rama

“Jock-o-rama” – prominent bass guitar, and perhaps the most B52s sounding song on this album-the bass perhaps being part of the reason for this. Jello parodies a Southern accent in the intro and mocks the sporting fixation of American college life.”

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6. Goons of Hazzard

“Not too much to say about this one. It’s really good, and has some awesome drumming. The Dead Kennedys are an amazing punk band and this is probably their best album. This is where they got the most experimental, playing slower songs with different instruments.”

5. A Growing Boy Needs His Lunch

“A growing boy needs his lunch” – had a Black Sabbath vibe to it (which I’ve also reviewed here), intricate lead guitar work, and a vocal sound which most reminded me of Peter Garrett (who is now a minister in a Labour government here in Australia).”

See more: Dead Kennedys Songs Ranked

5 Killer Cover Songs: Dead Kennedys | Lists | No Echo

4. Chicken Farm

“The lyrics are truly horrifying, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. “Chicken Farm” combines dynamic guitar with lyrics of, yet again, a dark world of pain and suffering.”

3. This Could Be Anywhere

“This time the lyrics are tinged with Jello’s trademark humor, where “This Could Be Anywhere” was straight-faced horror. Wonderfully melodic and catchy, yet harsh and bleak.”

Pics: Dead Kennedys, The Cramps, The Clash & more from 'Punk, Post Punk,  New Wave' photo book

2. Soup Is Good Food

“Soup is good food just hooked me. I had heard plenty of ‘anarcho punk’ or ‘political punk’ bands before but never a band who played such good music and had such an intelligent message too.”

1. Hellnation

“Really good, fast punk song. Sounds like something that would come off of Fresh Fruit or Plastic Surgery Disasters. “Hellnation” – a more typical “speed” punk song, with a cool, clangy guitar sound as well as some intricate lead guitar work.”