Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death Songs Ranked

Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death (stylized as Give me convenience OR give me death) is a compilation album by the American hardcore punk band Dead Kennedys. It was released in June 1987 through front man Jello Biafra’s record label Alternative Tentacles. The album consists of songs (or in some cases, different versions of songs) that were not released on the band’s studio albums. The original vinyl version had tracks 16 and 17 on an extra flexi disc. The album was certified gold by both BPI and the RIAA in December 2007. The title is a play on the ultimatum by Patrick Henry, “Give me liberty, or give me death!”, and is intended as a commentary on American consumerism. Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death was the last Dead Kennedys album that Biafra approved the production of, which also led to it being the last album released through Alternative Tentacles. Here are all of Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death songs ranked.

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10. Insight

“Sure, Jello’s voice takes some getting used to, but honestly; what punk fan isn’t sick of the same ol’ raspy voice mumbling unintelligibly? Jello’s insight as well as his voice provide interest in a genre where the message is often lost in translation.”

9. i fought the law 

“Some tracks are unbearably bland, while some standout because they’re so good, and others stand out because they just stand out. This album is the final word from Dead Kennedys, and possibly their best final word. At least, the original Dead Kennedys.”

Jello Biafra and the Dead Kennedys - FoundSF

8. Saturday Night Holocaust

“The other songs are good originals that are worth your time. “Saturday Night Holocaust” stands out as the best if you ask me. My recomendation is to buy this only if you have the other albums as well.”

See more: Dead Kennedys Albums Ranked

7. The Man with the Dogs

“The Dead Kennedys were a band who’s very name provoked a reaction from almost anyone who heard them or even OF them. Arguably the most (in)famous band in the rising California hardcore punk scene of the ’70’s and ’80’s, the band rode a tide of underground hero-dom with it’s wacky mutated surf-guitar of East Bay Ray and the biting sarcasm and pull-no-punches social commentary of Jello Biafra, who’s political leanings are just slightly to the left of, oh, say, Abbie Hoffman.”

dead kennedys - related articles

6. Life Sentence

“Angry lyrics. Almost like Jello is gonna bust out screaming, but he dosen’t Good bass once more. The Dead Kennedys are my favorite band. Their music is so incredible and wildly controversial. I love this album.”

5. Pull My Strings

“A 1975 sounding folk-like song. funny. “Is my brain small enough, is my co*k big enough, for you to make me a star!” Just listen to how tight they are on “Pull My Strings”…I wanted to play in front of people and give them ammunition for their brains…make people think about what’s out there and question the answers.”

210 Dead Kennedys ideas in 2022 | dead kennedys, dead, jello biafra

See more: Dead Kennedys Songs Ranked

4. Too Drunk to F**k

“Admittedly not for everyone, the Dead Kennedys were nonetheless one of the most influential bands of their time, and if you’re looking for a good place to discover them, you can’t go wrong with this CD.”

3. Police Truck

“The best on the album!!! The lyrics have a sort naughty ecstacy feeling.  I couldn’t wait for the mega-blast of power chords (Police Truck) to sweep me away from the nostalgic Tom Waits. A great album for children.”

Jello Biafra / Dead Kennedys | Some b/w concert shots from a… | Flickr

2. Holiday In Cambodia

“A good dark heavy song that probably made the DK’s the outcasts they are! I seem to remember a heavy metal band covered “Holiday in Cambodia”—but the Kennedy’s version is far better.”

1. California Über Alles

“Another song that the DK’s are most well-know for, great! Goood bass. Though compilations can be a rocky path to truly appreciate a band’s legacy, this release shows that intelligent planning can deliver a smooth path for those looking at a starting point that deviates from the studio side of a discography.”